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A soft snore left Niall's mouth making me sweetly smile.

We sat on the couch my head resting against Niall's shoulder as his arm was wrapped around my back. As promised he let me chose the movie. So of course I chose a romantic comedy I haven't seen yet.

He made it midway through the movie before I looked over to see him passed out with his mouth wide open. It was cute though seeing him leaned back a snore escaping his lips ever so often.

He needed the sleep. I knew he was tired since I woke up and saw his tired eyes. He was definitely up to something witch he exchanged sleep for. Even though he never admitted it.

The front door opened making me look over to see Maura walk the the door with handfuls of groceries.

"Let me help you" I said quietly enough to not wake Niall

"Thank you hunny" Maura said handing me a handful as we walked past the living room to the kitchen "oh shhh don't wake the bear" she teased passing Niall on the couch

I nodded, giggling in agreement as we walked into the kitchen. I set the bags down on the counter and began unpacking the groceries.

"Ohhh lemons, basil, chicken breast" I named the ingredients I was pulling from the bag "please tell me we're making lemon chicken"

I could already feel my mouth salivating at thought of my favorite dish.

"Of course" Maura smiled "no shepherds pie tonight"

I embarrassingly laughed remembering the meal I hated as a child but was to shy to tell her.

"I knew Niall would tell you. Can't trust that man with anything . No offense Maura I love your cooking. Better then my moms..." I rambled trying to explain myself but only getting myself more in trouble

"None taken" she smiled "But Bella sweetheart, if there's any man you can trust it's Niall. And I'm not only saying that because he's my son. I'm saying that because I know he loves you. He always has. "

I smiled at her from across the kitchen counter. My cheeks becoming more rosy by the minute which was my worst trait.

"He's really special....You know when he was gone in the band I used to think I was furious at him for leaving but looking back I don't think that was the case. I wasn't angry with him for living his dream. I was so proud of him and supportive, I even listened to there music daily. But don't you dare tell him that" I giggled making Maura laugh softly as well.

"I guess I was angry with myself for not showing my feelings. If I would have admitted my feelings to him earlier we might have not had that mess, we could have stayed in touch. I wouldn't have needed Hudson,I might not have went through the pain I did..." I trailed off looking up from the pile of ingredients I was unpacking to Maura who had her sweet smile on her face "Anyways I love him too and always have"

She stepped around the counter to engulf me in a hug.

"Deep down I always knew you two were perfect for each other. You're a very special young lady who may have went through multiple hardships but you stronger then that" she kissed my cheek as I tried I hold back tears at her sweet statement "Now let's get this dish cooking or it won't be ready for dinner and we'll have one unhappy young man"

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