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(The photo is of Candy. I don't think I ever posted what I think she looks like and if I did .. well you get it again lol)

"Ok I have an idea" Connor said breaking up the
individual conversations happening in the room. "Let's play a game"

Desi groaned "Connor you're games always involve drinking and I've already had enough for this evening"

"True" he laughed "But this ones different. Since we have some new additions to our gang" he motioned to Aidan and Candy "We should get to know each other"

"Sounds like a great idea" Niall said shifting himself so he was leaning closer to Candy.

"Ok the games called I want. You basically state something you want. It can be anything. Just share something. Then you take a shot. " he held up a bottle of vodka and dishes out shot glasses.

"Anything at all?" Candy asked biting her lip and glancing at Niall. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what she was thinking hoping no one saw me. Hearing Desi slightly giggle told me otherwise.

"Anything, I'll go first" Connor said pouring his shot  "I want to tell you all that I love you" He throw the liquor back

"Fucking hell Connor. Don't be all gushy" Desi called

"I mean it!" He snorted "You guys have been there for me through my toughest times. Losing my grandfather, coming out as gay, turning The Mist around.... I'm truly grateful " he started to tear up

"Oh Connor" I pulled him into a hug "We love you to bud. You have come so far and I'm thankful you have kept me around in your life"

"Of course what would I do without you silly girl, you're next Bella" he smiled wiping his tears handing me the vodka

"That's a hard one to beat" I nervously laughed as I pour my glass . My eyes falling on my empty beer bottle. "I want ..... another beer"
Everyone erupted in laughter as I chocked on my vodka.

"What" I laughed knowing I did not beat Connors gushy answer "that's the best I got"

"It's alright, you're just warming up" Niall handed me his half empty beer

"Here share my beer"

"Thanks" I took it from him gulping down a big drink "Your turn Aidan" Aidan shifted in his seat nervously. He hasn't said much tonight. He grabbed the vodka bottle from me pouring himself a shot before sitting it down on the coffee table.

"I want to tell you my story"  I sent him a smile to comfort him "Most of you don't know much about me. I grew up in a good home. With good parents, always giving me what I need and want. Witch I'm very thankful for but now that I'm on my own I'm starting to struggle. Everything I ever wanted was always handed to me on a silver platter. Now I have to work for it. And I wasn't given the tools to do so." He looked over a Desi. Her arm around his shoulder comforting him. "Anyways if I ever offended you I'm sorry. That's why I got this job at The Mist. To become more of an adult. And I'm thankful for all of you for taking me into your group" He took his shot with no trouble

"Babe" Desi kissed his cheek "You are the kindest soul"

"You've never offended me Aidan. And you fit right in. We love having you" I sent him another smile

"I wouldn't have hired you if I thought you were a bad man" Connor joked making Aidan lighten up
"Thanks guys" Aidan smiled "Desi it's your turn hun"

I smiled at there pet names. They really made the cutest couple.
"I want ...." Desi cupped Aidans cheeks. I could tell she was nervous by the way she chewed on her lip. Something very unlike Desi as she usually screamed confidence.
"I want to be your girlfriend" The room feel silent as we all waited for Aidans reaction.

Aidan quickly pecked his lips to Desi's making my smile grow.

"Yes!" Connor cheered making us all laugh

"It's about time" Niall joked Desi quickly flipping him off. Aidan laughing hiding his blushing cheeks in Desi's neck. His mood quickly cheering up.

"Alright it's my turn" Candy spoke up taking our attention as she snatched the bottle off the table" I've been waiting to say this I just can't hold it in any longer" she turned to Niall placing a hand on his thigh. She brought the bottle to her lips taking a big gulp of vodka. Cringing before swallowing.

Oh shit here it comes. " I want to finish what we started"

My smile fell. The knot in my stomach was back. Looking at them gave me a completely different feeling then it did when looking at Desi and Aidan. Who were now sitting closer then ever.

"I want that too" Niall said before crashing his lips into hers. The kiss getting passionate very quickly. I felt myself cringe as Niall's hand traveled up her back. Candy getting up out of her chair to climb into his lap.

My stomach twisting more and more. I couldn't take my eyes away no matter how hard I tried. The heat picking up between them fast. Candy hands now all in his hair. This wasn't just a simple kiss like Desi and Aidans it was much more.

My cheeks turning bright red and I couldn't take it anymore. I felt my body heating up. I reached for Niall's beer that was over half full finishing it off.

"I'm ....ummm.." I got up looking around the room for my escape "I'm uncomfortable I need to go" I stepped over Niall and Candy still making out. Practically stumbling as I hurried away.

"Alright guys time to get a room" I heard Connor call as I opened the front door stepping out on the front steps.

As soon as the fresh air hit me I felt immediately relaxed. Wiping the sweat that I just now noticed was on my forehead. I pulled my phone out ordering myself and Uber back to Niall's place. Not sure where else to go.

"Hey" Desi softly said sitting next to me on the step

"Hey" I let my head fall on her shoulder in a huff

"You alright?" She asked rubbing my back to comfort me

"Yeah just feeling a little tipsy. I think it's time for me to go home" I lied

"Cut the crap Bella. I've seen you put down way more. You sure it's not something else" she raised an eyebrow at me

"What are you referring to?" I picked my head up to look at her better

"Bella, you just got out of a bad relationship and I'm sure watching someone make out with the person closest to you isn't the best feeling"

She was on to something. The feeling in my stomach becoming more familiar. A feeling I haven't felt in years. Jealousy.

"No" I quickly shook my head "That's not it" I lied again. As my Uber pulled up in the driveway. I got up quickly hugging her goodbye. Honesty wanting to get away from the conversation. "Bye Desi, I need rest. We can talk in the morning?"

"Of course call me when you wake up. Love you babe"

As my Uber driver brought me home I sat thinking, maybe she was right.

reminiscenceOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara