Thirty Eight

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"Two refills!" My customer called from a booth near the stage.

"Coming right up!" I was swamped. It was a typical Friday night witch meant lots of customers.

Niall was on stage singing his set for the night. A guitar perched in his lap as he sat on a stool. This Town filling ears as I hummed and danced along making my drinks.

"Bella can you cover me for a second?" Desi said hanging me her notepad filled with orders. She flew behind the counter Aidan right behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist.

"You want me to cover so you can go make out in the bathroom" I turned to the couple sending them a jealous glare

"Thanks so much" Desi giggled being pulled away by Aidan.

"Wait! I didn't say yes!" I called with a sigh knowing she wasn't coming back anytime soon.

I flipped open her book to fill the orders needed. After rushing around attending to our customers one order caught my mind. Most of the orders were beer or straight liquor. This one was a very girly drink.

A cherry lemonade vodka.

I laughed making the drink. I couldn't wait to see what girl order this. I made my way to the table written on Desi order sheet.

"Ok I have one Vodka Lemonade" I
looked up to see a familiar face, Candy. She was not paying an attention to me. He eyes focused on the stage

"Excuse me Candy?"

She whipped her head to look at me. Giving me a look like I ruined her moment. "You put cherries in it right?"

"Yes that's what you ordered...right?" My sass coming out as I sat the drink in front of her.

"Watch it or you won't fit your tip" She rolled her eyes taking a drink. Grimacing.

"This is way to strong" she spat. Of course it was "Bring me one with less vodka"

"Coming right up" I put on a fake smile before turning away my face filling with anger. I didn't have time for this. I stomped away to remake the drink. This time only adding a half shot of vodka.

"Thank you again" Desi said now returning with a red face and a fresh hickey on her neck. She winked at Aidan before taking her notepad back from me. I shoved the tray with Candy's new drink at her.

"Do me a favor and tell Candy that Niall likes my strong drinks" I shook my head flipping my notepad open to take my next order. Desi staring wide eyed at me.

"That bad?" She asked straightening her hair out

I glared back at her "You can have her for the rest of the night. I don't even know why she's here" I scoffed
Desi laughed motioning towards the stage.

"Because Niall is performing" Desi said before leaving to give Candy her drink.

She was right. That's the only reason she would step foot in this place. As it wasn't good enough for her.

I downed to rest of Candy's unwanted drunk as I watched Desi place the new drink in front of Candy with a fake smile on her face. Candy rolling her eyes before taking a drink. This time not grimacing. She's lucky I didn't poison it.

I looked over to Niall on stage. Jumping around like he was having the time of his life. Unlike Candy he didn't need a fancy place to make him happy. Performing in a run down bar was just enough. I didn't know what he sees in her.

It was now closing time. I was doing my typical cleaning duties of the night when Desi stepped behind the counter next to me.

"What's she still doing here?" She pointed to Candy who was now on stage helping Niall put away his equipment "I thought there's supposed to be no more guest past 4?"

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