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"i read the articles about you, ryujin! what have you done?" i mentally rolled my eyes when my mom started to scold me. we are talking via video call because they are still in thailand.

"i was drunk. okay. i don't know what i'm thinking that time." i answered coldly.

well, the videos of me, fighting inside a club were all over the news right now.

"it can affect our business." she hissed and held her forehead.

it's all about the company.

"i'm going to solve this. don't worry." i reassured her.

"you need to loosen up, ryujin."

"i can handle this. i promise." i sighed deeply.

"i already called your brother yesterday. he'll go there to do your works temporarily. i will let you go on vacation." my mom stated.

this is so messed up. i was just carried away by my emotions at that time.

"you also need to get away from the media." my mom's voice is calmer this time. "to avoid their questions."

i can't do anything but nod, "fine, mom."

"how's your secretary, by the way? let me remind you that you can NOT fire her unless i say so."

if you only knew that she was the reason why i got involved in a fight club.

"she's fine." i said with my cold voice.

"you can take her with you since she will not do anything." my mom uttered and smiled.

i don't think yeji will agree with me after what happened. i messed up really bad.

finally, my mom ended the call and i went downstairs to get a bandage because my nose is still in pain. by the way, it's sunday today that's why i'm here at my house. also, yeji and i still haven't talk yet about what happened.

anywho, as i went downstairs, i saw a familiar man, standing in the middle of the living room while talking to one of our maids. my eyes sparkled when i distinguished the person,

"jinyoung oppa!" i squealed and ran towards my brother.

he turned around and gave me a warm hug, "ryujin.." he said sweetly.

"look at that broken nose." he chuckles as we pulled away from our hug.

"just another fight in the club." i giggle and caressed my nose.

"yeah and because of that, i flew away from paris all the way here in seoul." he shook his head and crossed his arms.

"look, i did a mistake and i'm sorry for that." i pouted.

he then chuckles, "it's alright. i was involved in a fight club last two days ago. lucky me, no one filmed our fight so i'm safe." he said proudly and showed me the bruised on his arm.

it runs in our blood.

soon, jinyoung oppa and i exchanged conversations and talked about our personal lives while taking lunch. jinyoung is my older brother. we are very close to each other and he's the only person that i can't show my bitchy attitude. and the reason why he's in paris is that he runs another business there. a clothing brand to be exact.

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