Chapter 5

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-Peter's P.O.V-

A week has passed since the ice cream incident and I have seen some rumours about dad having a son, but thankfully nothing too serious, as of yet at least.

I had met up with Ned a few times already, but I decided to keep the spider bite to myself, wanting to keep that piece of information to myself for the time being. At one point he stayed the night and we pulled an all nighter deciding to build LEGO sets and watch star wars. Let's just say once Ned left I crashed on the sofa for the whole day.

Like I had planned I spent sometime with dad and Uncle Bruce in the lab. I also ended up spending more time in the gym, enhancing my skills and making sure I knew exactly how to use them and when not too.

I found out I had, I guess what you could call a sixth sense. Uncle Steve and Bucky had called it 'spider senses', while dad had joked and called it my 'Peter tingle.' Basically, it tells me when danger is coming, for instance if a fist was coming towards me, it would tell me before it happened and allow me to duck out of the way.

It was very useful in training and being able to avoid Uncle Clint if he was going to prank me.

I was currently laying in bed thinking about my powers. I can remember when I was younger and dad told me he was Iron man. It amazed me, because even before I knew it was him I had looked at Iron man as I kind of role model, and finding out it was my dad made it even better.

The avengers were created and suddenly all my uncles and my aunts, and my dad were all heroes and I had always wanted to be like them.

When I grew older though I knew I probably couldn't be a hero, I had no power and wasn't really the strongest person.

But now, well now I have these spider powers. And surely if I don't use them to help it would be pointless having them.

Something someone had once said on tv ringed through my head and made me think more about what I could do.

'With great power, comes great responsibility.'

I could use these to the best of my ability, I could- I could help people and look out for the little guy. I've always seen on the news when crimes were reported, and I could make a difference, I could be just like my family.

I would need a name though, I guess it would have to be something spider related, and I could make these web shooter things that shoot webs, after all, that's what spiders do.

Spider-dude? No, that's stupid.

Spider-boy? Definitely not.

Spider-Man? Huh that could work, it has a ring to it.

"FRI, lights on please," I mumble as I climb out of bed and head over to my desk as the lights turn on- thankfully not too bright.

I begin to sketch out the designs for my web shooters, dad and I had created nanotech not long ago and he was able to have the suit dissolve into his reactor. I could have bracelets that transform into the shooters, and I can ask dad to help me with a suit.

That's of course if he agrees to it.


"Mum, dad, can I talk to you two about something?" I ask tentatively.

They both nod, and I can see the anxiety in both their eyes as they lead me into the living room where no one is. We all sit down and I prepare myself to tell them.

"So what's up kid?" Dad asks.

"Well, you know how I now have these- these powers?" I ask, stuttering a little because I'm nervous.

They both nod and mum replies, "yeah Pete, what about it?"

"It's just- it's just well, I want to use them to help people. Like- like you do dad, but not on such a big scale. I wanna- I wanna help the little guy you know, go out in the city and help people that need it," I explain, trying to make eye contact but my eyes keep drifting down.

When they both remain silent for a few seconds I work up the courage to look up and I see them both with shocked looks on their faces.

Mum is the first to speak, "Pete, you're only 14, I know you're 15 in a couple weeks but still, I think that might be a little too young. I don't want you to get hurt."

Sighing I was about to reply when dad spoke.

"I agree with your mum kid, but, I also know what you're like. So if you do this, there will be rules," he says, making both mum and I look at him.

I look at him with relief and happiness, while mum looks at him less then pleased. Before mum or I could say anything he turns to mum.

"You know our kid Pep, he's always wanted to do this since he was little and I'll make sure he has the best suit he can, an AI to help him and he's already trained really well," dad exclaims, a hint of pride in his voice.

Sighing mum nods and looks at me, "alright Pete, you can do it, but I'm with your dad on this one, there will have to be rules."

I nod quickly and smile and them both, "thank you, thank you, thank you," I repeat over and over again in joy.

I see both my parents smile, looking happy with how happy it's made me, I know it'll take a bit more training and some time to build the suit, but either way I will be going out to help people.

I could call it patrol, because I'll be patrolling for bad guys.


Another week passed and we had finished making the suit and an AI, I named her Karen and she quickly became friends with FRIDAY.

We went over some rules that I had to follow if I wanted to do it.

1. I had to eat before patrol- which I was going to either way, I'm always hungry after that bite.

2. If I need help, I contact dad or one of the others

3. If I'm hurt I come right home, and if needs be, call someone to pick me up

4. I can patrol until 1am on a school night, and 3am on weekends or when I don't have school

5. Don't be stupid- this one hurt my feelings a little.

I had agreed to all their rules, knowing I didn't really have a choice.

The suit was blue and red, and had a little spider emblem in the middle, that when held down tightens around me. The little emblem also has a little spider drone in it for recon and I named it Spy-der, I was very proud of that name.

Dad also liked the idea of the web shooters as my weapon and we made them with the nanotech to be in the form of a braclet and then be turned into the shooters.

Part of me really wanted to tell Ned, but I knew I wasn't ready just yet so I decided against it.


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