Chapter 6

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

The day has finally come, tonight I'm going patrolling.

With my birthday in a few days, it was seen as a sort of early birthday present. I had to have some more training but I was able to learn pretty quick and knew it would be good enough for the time being and I would get better with time. 

I had already done some test runs on my web shooters and the suit. I started off with just using the gym, as it had padded flooring and high ceilings. After that I put my suit on and went out with dad swinging from building to building. 

I was very thankful dad was there as well, because it took me a while to be able to shoot the webs and swing, and sometimes I would fall and have to be caught. 

Karen also helped a lot, she kept track of my vitals, and was able to do a scan of the city and see if there was any crime going on. 

"Alright Pete, you ready?" Dad asks, handing me my mask. 

Nodding I take it and smile a little at how safe and secure it makes me feel, like wearing this mask I can do anything. 

"Yep, I'm ready," I reply. 

"I'm going to have Karen give me updates for this one just to make sure you'll be okay, and I'll still be awake when you get home in case you need me," Dad says while pulling me into a brief hug. 

I hug him back and smile- even though he can't see it under the mask.

"I'll be okay dad, I promise," I say before moving back to the window. 

Dad nods and I can see the anxious look in his eyes as FRIDAY opens the window for me, we have now called it the 'Spider window,' as it'll be how I will be getting in and out of the building- most the time at least. Or through my bedroom window as it's easy access.

"Goodluck Underoos," dad voices, smiling through his worry. 

I wave goodbye then climb out the window, letting myself fall through the air. Ever since I first went out using my webs I've began to love the adrenaline that flows through my veins as I fall through the air. 

Before I get too close to the ground I shoot out a web and it connects with a building and I swing myself through the air. 

I continue doing this until I see a building with a good roof to land on.

I land on it and sit on the edge, swinging my legs over the edge as I admire the now dark skyline. It was already 8pm but the streets below were still bustling with people.

"You got anything for me Karen?" I ask, while using my senses to try and hear or see anything. 

'There's a stolen car that has been reported and I can see it on my system,' Karen replies, while a small map appears in the corner of my mask and a red dot shows where it is. 

Jumping up I smile and thank her before I begin to swing towards it. 

Once I arrive there I see it careering down a road well above the speed limit, I can see a lot of people around as well and I know it would be a bad idea to let it get much further. 

Bracing myself I get closer and land on top of the car, I know now people will see me but it doesn't bother me much as they can't tell it's me, and now people will know there is someone else out there to help them. 

Leaning over slightly I can see it's only a driver, with no seat belt on and no one else. Taking a deep breath I move so I can have my leg over the side of the car and I kick in the window, before he can react I jump sideways while webbing him up and pulling him from the car with me. 

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