Chapter 19

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

A week had passed from when I had fought with the weapons dealers, and dad wasn't lying when he told me he wouldn't let me patrol. I didn't mind all that much though as Aunt Nat and Uncle Bucky had promised to do the patrol for me.

Plus, I was still trying to recover from my injuries during that time, and dad and I were focusing more on the plan. 

The plan was to have him about five minutes behind me and following me around, so when I came across the dealers- which I knew I would as I always seemed to- and then he would help me fight them. 

With the plan in mind I slipped on my suit when it was nearing 9pm, dad had said Karen would keep him updated on everything, and where he would be travelling. 

"FRIDAY, where's dad?" I ask as I pull the mask over my head. 

'Boss is in his lab,' she replies.

I thank her and go down there, thankful that I don't have to leave the private areas in case of someone seeing me- well Spiderman walking around in the tower. 

Once I get there I walk and see dad look up from what he was working on. 

"You going patrolling?" He asks, while standing up and placing his tools down. 

Nodding I say, "are you going to be following me the whole time, or until I come across the dealers?" 

Dad seems to think for a moment before he is double tapping the reactor and the suit is wrapping itself around him. 

"Whole time," he confirms. 

I nod and say, "let's go then." 


I could see all the twelve men from where I stood, hidden in the shadows. Uncle Bucky had taught me how to blend in and make it seem as though I wasn't there, although it was harder to do that when your suit it brightly coloured. 

'Boss says he'll be here in five minutes and to hold off,' Karen whispers to me, making me nod. 

I watched carefully and see a car pull up, five men in masks with the HYDRA symbol on their clothes pilling out of the car. A feeling of dread settled within me and I knew this wasn't going to end well as my senses also started to grow. 

"Syp-der, go check it out," I mumble, while the small bot disconnects from my suit and whirls at me before flying towards it. 

I listened in with my hearing as well as being able to have a clear view from Spy-ders camera. 

"There is at least one hundred alien weapons here for your army," the leader comments, gesturing down to the many boxes that lay sat around them. 

One of the HYDRA men nod and looks over the boxes, I can see from Spy-der there are many different weapons, all glowing different colours but all looking just as dangerous. 

The agent seems satisfied as he nods before gesturing for a man to step forward with a large case. 

"Here is your money, seven million for them," the agent grunts, while the other agent pops open the case to show the leader. 

A mix of anxiety and fear seeps into my bones as I start to question if I even have time to wait for dad to arrive before they get away. 

The leader seems happy with this and another man steps forward and takes the case from the agent while the other three agents take the boxes. 


"Karen, how long?" I whisper. 

'Still five minutes, boss informed me there was an issue with his suit, but he was able to fix it and is coming,' she replies, making me clench my fists slightly. 

This is bad. This is very bad. 

"Tell dad to hurry," I mumble, although I know that even if he could arrive within two minutes it would be too late and the agents would have been able to get away with all the weapons. 

Taking a steadying breath I step forward, still being hidden mainly by the shadows. 

I can do this, I muse silently to myself. I have to do this. 

With that thought in mind I shoot out two webs, one hitting a HYDRA agent while another hitting one of the twelve men. They don't have the time to react before I'm pulling them harshly towards me and making them hit the ground with so much force they fall unconscious. 

All the remaining men turn to me, and I see the sneer on the leaders face. 

"Kill him," the leader growls, before they're all launching themselves at me. 

I dodge all their attacks, throwing my arm out and catching one of the men in the face, making him grumble. 

A HYDRA agent gets a punch into my chest and I stumble slightly, but I'm able to catch myself before it allows an opening for the others. 

I shoot a web out at the leader and throw him off to the side, making sure it won't kill him but at least knock him out. It does just that and I quickly dodge a shot from an alien gun. My foot kicks out, catching a man in the solar plexus and sends him wheezing on the floor, winded. 

Five down, twelve to go. 

A bullet rings through the air and before I can react it lodges itself into my shoulder. 

Dang, they like shooting my shoulder, I think to myself with morbid amusement. 

I don't allow it to slow me down though, as punches and kicks are sent my way, I'm able to block many of them and give out my own that do make contact and cause some to fall to the ground. The punches and kicks that do land on me though hurt a lot, and I know it'll bruise a lot later. 

Twelve are now down and I can begin to feel myself tiring. With still five people left, two of them being HYDRA agents, I know this won't end well. 

Thankfully I could see how much time was left and I could see dad would be here in two minutes, damn, time is slow when you don't want it to. 

A first collides with my temple and I stumble back, trying to keep myself upright as darkness swamps my vision for a moment. Sadly, the remaining five take this as an advantage and I'm pushed down to the ground. 

Kicks and punches rain down upon me and I can feel a searing pain through my leg where I was shot. 

This has gone so wrong. 

There is still a minute left and I knew dad would probably arrive too late. 

A fiery determination sparks in my veins and I push away from them all, rolling slightly before pulling myself to my wobbly feet. 

None of them look threatened, in fact, they all look like they've already won the battle. 

Before they have a chance to make the first attack I shoot out a web and pull the HYDRA agent into them all, making them all fall to the floor. Sadly though it only knocked out two of the five.

I lash out with my foot and hit someone's temple, making them fall to the floor. 

Burning pain shoots through my back and chest as my senses warn me a little too late and I collapse to the floor. Two men, one from HYDRA and one from the twelve are stood over me. 

I see the HYDRA agent has a normal gun in his hand, while the other man has an alien gun that looks like the one that burnt me- so probably the one that hit me in the back. Although it felt a hell of a lot more powerful. 

The HYDRA agent brings the gun to my temple as my vision swims in darkness, trying to drag me down. 

I think I can hear someone shout my name- well Spiderman's name- but I can't be very sure as the darkness pulls me under. 


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