Chapter 9

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

I woke up a couple hours ago after I had a 'sensory overload,' at least, that's what dad and Uncle Bruce called it. Although I understand why it's called that, it did feel exactly like that. 

My phone wouldn't stop buzzing from my nightstand, and at first it made me laugh a little but now it's so annoying. People keep texting me wanting to meet up, and people who I've never met are DMing me and asking me things. 

Sighing I shut my phone down, thankful for the peace and quiet. 

I was no longer a Parker- well I never was, but to the world I was,- and now I'm a Stark and the heir of Stark industries. Some questions I had been asked earlier were about it, and how I felt being the heir, but most of them were revolving around me being a secret Stark and what it was like living with the worlds mightiest heroes. 

Shaking my head I stand up and look out the window, seeing the sky beginning to darken. I had already eaten when I came out of the med bay as I was starving so it meant I could go patrolling now. 

Walking out of my room I head down to the common rooms and see everyone there, they hear me walk in and all look up at me. 

"Hey guys, is it okay if I go patrolling, I wanna blow off some steam," I ask, commenting on the stress of the whole situation.

Everyone looks at one and another before nodding and dad says, "sure kiddo. Just stay safe okay, and call one of us if you need help."

Humming I turn and nod before replying, "will do. Thanks."

Racing back to my room I pull on my suit, smiling at the feeling it brings me. The stress of the day seeming to seep away as I pull the mask over my head. 

"Hey K, you ready for a good patrol?" I ask, pulling open the window. 

'Of course Peter,' she replies with enthusiasm- at least, I think it was. It's hard to tell when she's an AI. 

Smiling I drop out of the window, the wind whipping around me as I start the decent to the floor. My web catches me and I begin to swing over to the same building I had stopped on before. 

I sat on the roof, looking out at the dark horizon line, lights dancing across it as cars passed and buildings began to light up. 

"What have you got for me K?" I mumble, the slight breeze washing past me with ease. 

Like always, a small map appears on my screen with a small, flashing red light, indicating my target. 

'There appears to be a man harassing a woman, and she seems in great distress,' Karen replies. 

Narrowing my eyes in anger I thank her and head off towards the red blinking light on the map. 


Four hours later, and nine stopped crimes later I was ready to call it a day. It was already 1AM, and I was tired. Not only that there wasn't too much crime meaning it was a pretty relaxed night. 

Deciding to do one last sweep I sit down on the roof and say, "anything else Karen, or are we in the clear?" 

After a beat of silence she replies, 'there appears to be a weapons deal happening. Although Peter, I advise caution, they do not appear to be man made weapons.' 

Frowning I nod and thank her before heading in the direction the map is telling me too. 


"K, deploy Spy-der," I mumble as I hide in the shadows, watching as the men begin to show the weapons. 

Spy-der deploys from my suit and looks at me before flying towards the men, a small picture appears on the side of the screen and I know it's what Spy-der is seeing. 

There were many weapons, they all have strange, intricate carvings in, and are all glowing different colours. 

"So how much for the whole bunch?" I hear one of the men say. 

The others, who all seem to be in a group, at least a dozen in the group, with four others looking at the weapons- obviously the 'customers.' 

 The men began to talk amongst themselves and I called Spy-der back, watching as he buzzed in front of my face, from what Karen translated saying, 'I liked stretching my legs and wings, thanks Peter.' 

Smiling to myself because of what Spy-der said I begin to think of what I could do. I know I need to stop them before the weapons have gone and will be used God knows how. 

Deciding the best chance I have is drawing the customers away, meaning they won't be able to sell the weapons. 

Silently, I inch forward before I'm close enough to fight them. I watched intently as one of the customers began to hand over money and I webbed him hand, pulling him forward and making him stumble before falling to the floor. 

They all turned to me but I focused my attention on the three other customers who looked at me in shock. I webbed the one who was handing the money to the floor before I moved towards the other three. 

I was using my senses and hoping they would help me with the twelve behind me. I was quick to take down another man who was reaching for a gun- not anything to do with the out of world weapons. 

Taking his gun I threw it far away before sending a punch into his gut, making sure to pull my punch but hit him with enough force to make him drop. I quickly webbed him to the floor, similar to the other one. 

The other two came at me together and threw a punch at either side of my head, but I stepped back, watching in amusement as they ended up punching each other and falling back. 

Smiling at the two of them I webbed them down and turned to the twelve men, all their eyes were on me and many guns were trained on me. 

"You made a bad choice picking us to stop," one of the men growled, looking like the leader as he stood in the centre, a little more ahead of everyone else. 

Snorting I shake my head slightly and say, "and why's that?"

I knew the police were already on their way, Karen always knows to alert the police of an incident when I begin to deal with it. 

The leaders eyes narrowed and he held the gun a little harder, "because we don't like insects digging their noses in where it doesn't belong. So little spider, you've now got a target on your head. Don't be surprised if you die soon." 

Shuddering slightly I mumble, "not an insect, it's an arachnid."  

Although, his warning was swimming around my mind, making me feel on edge. Before I had the chance to do anything my senses buzzed and I was viciously pushed back while they rushed forward to the weapons and pushing them into the car before speeding away. 

Wincing I stand, feeling the back of my head and knowing I probably cut it open. 

Great, first enemy. 


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