Chapter 14

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

Dad and I had just got home from the patrol as I was still thinking over the plan, it should work, it's just, how you say, a little- a little dangerous. 

"Kid, what happened to not doing anything stupid," dad mumbles, as he places a bandage around the burn mark. He wanted to get Uncle Bruce but I said it didn't matter and it would heal by tomorrow. 

Thankfully I wasn't hit by anything too dangerous from the alien weapons, I know it could have been a lot worse. 

"I know dad, I'm sorry, but I knew I could do it. And I wanted to stop them from selling those weapons, you know the damage that could have been caused if they got spread around the world, and I could stop it, or at least try," I admit with a small shrug. 

Dad sighs, a tired, knowing sigh. 

"Sometimes I hate that you take after me. Your life is just as important as anyone else's, and I don't know what I would do if something happened to you Pete," he replies, looking up at me with a sad look. 

I smile reassuringly and say, "I know dad, but you're my role model, so until you start taking your own advice, I also won't be taking it." 

He laughs slightly and shakes his head in amusement before lightly tapping my side, indicating he's down. 

I pull my shirt back on and thank him while standing up. 

"Where do you think they got the weapons from?" I ask, as we look through them. 

Before we had left from the roof, dad had got FRIDAY to scan them in case there was any trackers in there. Thankfully there wasn't.

Dad looks at them once again, his eyes scanning over them but he doesn't seem to know either as he shrugs lightly. "I'm not really sure," he begins, before pausing and lifting one up, "although wherever they got them from, they got a good deal, they seem really complex." 

I nod in agreement and smile a little while saying, "should we take one apart and see what it's like inside." 

Dad smiles as well, but his eyes move to the clock that read 4AM, and he quickly hid the smile. "We will, but not today. You need to go to sleep okay, I promise when you get up and have something to eat we'll work on it and have a look." 

I was going to protest, but I could feel the day creeping up on me quickly and I knew he was right. Plus it might be a bad idea working on some alien thing that could explode if I make one mistake and kill me. 

"Yeah okay," I mumble, before saying goodnight to him and walking to my room. 

I'll tell him the plan tomorrow. 


"Peter I don't like this plan," dad says, shaking his head as he looks at me. 

We were currently in the lab, trying to work out all we can about the alien weapons, although we haven't found all that much. I told dad my plan, and well, he hasn't reacted that well. 

Sighing I reply, "I know that dad. I don't really like it either, but it could work, think about it. I don't want to have to go to school and have someone with me, and plus it would be putting the others in school in danger, and I don't want that."

He rubs a hand over his tired face and looks at me with a torn look, "I know that Peter, I do. But this- this plan," he waves a hand about in emphasis, "it would put you, in danger." 

"Please dad, this will work," I sigh, hoping he'll understand that this needs to happen. 

"If- if the others agree, then fine, I want them in on this as well," he replies with an exasperated sigh. 


After explaining my plan to them all I watch their reactions. Uncle Steve looks worried, Uncle Bucky looks both worried, and understanding. Aunt Nat seems to be nodding in agreement with me, but I can pick up the hint of worry in her eyes. Uncle Clint looks almost angry while shaking his head but- I think I can see understanding as well. 

Mum was there as well and I could see the anger in her eyes while shaking her head. 

"No way, you're not doing it," she growls while pinning me with a look before looking at dad. 

The others all voice their opinions, agreeing with her. I was about to argue my point when Aunt Nat speaks up. 

"Peter's right, this is the best shot we have. Even if it's stupid and dangerous," she voices. 

Everyone looks at her in shock, aside from Uncle Bucky and I. 

"I'm with Peter and Nat, I don't want Peter to be hurt, but this is the best option," Uncle Bucky agrees. 

Mum looks less them impressed, but I can see the others slowly beginning to understand that this is the best way to do it, even if it's stupid. 

Slowly everyone begins to nod their agreements, dad being one of the last and most hesitant. I can see tears in my mums eyes but I send her a reassuring smile. 

This will work. It has to. 


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