Chapter 10

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

'Peter, you need to tell Boss, he needs to know,' Karen says as I swing my legs back and forth on the ledge of the building. 

I decided not to go home, even though I was tired and I wanted to, I also wanted some time to think and to clear my head.

His threat was precise and I knew he wasn't messing around as he has said it, the glint of anger and evil that shined in his eyes made me believe as much.

I knew I had to tell dad, it would be for the best, to at least let him know about it. I wasn't going to allow him to stop me patrolling though, I knew if he did that nothing would end well. After all, people have noticed me- well Spiderman, a lot more and I didn't want to let anyone down and not be able to save someone when I knew I could have. 

Sighing I nod, "yeah, you're right Karen. I'll tell him tomorrow morning, promise."

She seems satisfied with my answer and I begin to make my way home, my senses now on high alert in case of an attack.


The next morning I could feel the worry of what the man had said hit me full force, I knew being Spiderman would be dangerous, but I never had expected it to happen so fast. Although I also know I would never stop doing it. 

Walking down stairs I sit at the table, mumbling a thank you to Uncle Steve as he gave me some pancakes. 

After eating them all and drinking some apple juice I stood up and said, "hey FRI, where's dad?" 

'Boss is currently in the lab,' she replies, making me smile a little while shaking my head. Of course he's in his lab, where else would he be. 

"Thanks FRI," I voice before making my way to the labs. 

With every step I have to push down the worry and fear, and try to stop my heart from beating out of my chest.

Once at the lab I could hear AC/DC blaring through the speakers. FRIDAY turns them down for me, and I could see dad about to shout at her when his eyes land on me and he smiles, although it looks like an anxious smile, like he has something to tell me. 

"Hey dad, I need to talk to you," I say as I walk into the lab properly. 

Humming he nods, placing his tools down, "so do I kid." 

Frowning, I gesture for him to speak first. 

He nods and begins to speak, "well, as you know yesterday you officially became a Stark, well at least to the world. But we knew it was dangerous, allowing your identity to be released and your importance to us shown." 

He pauses, allowing me to keep up with everything he is saying, I nod, letting him know to continue as I try to work out what he might be saying. 

"Well, one of my old enemies, from well before you were born may I add, seemed to have found out about you. Even though he's been placed in a high security prison, and he's put a bounty on your head, he has a lot of contacts, and already I've heard news of it spreading like wildfire, I heard a gang had picked it up, I'm just not sure who yet," he explains, making my heart drop. 

This wasn't good. Now, no matter my identity, whether it be as myself, or Spiderman, I was wanted dead. 

"Oh," I muster, trying to not let the fear worm its way into my heart and make a home there. 

Dad nods with a solemn look, "I promise Pete, I won't let anything happen to you. You can still go out, but someone has to be with you, whether it be me, or Happy or one of the others is up to you." 

Nodding I gulp down all my doubts. 

"Okay," I mumble with a small frown. 

"I'm sorry kid, I really, really am," dad whispers, looking sad and angry. 

Shaking my head I send him a small, reassuring smile, "it's not your fault dad. I know you'll do what you can to stop it, and I think I knew something like this would eventually happen with revealing my identity." 

Dad smiles seeming grateful for my reassurance, "now what did you want to talk about?" 

The fear and worry comes back quickly and my eyes drift to the floor.

"Well, yesterday, when I went out as Spiderman, I came across some weapons dealers, but they were dealing alien weapons," I explain. 

My dad looks at me with an impassive face, waiting for me to continue. 

"I was able to stop them, but the problem was, once I had got the customers away, the dealers weren't happy. I didn't have a chance to stop them and they got away, but before they left, the leader- I think he was at least- said- well he said I was going to pay, and I shouldn't be surprised if I'm killed soon." 

Dads face falls and I can see the worry etched onto his face. 

"Shit kid," he whispers. 

Nodding I quickly say, "I know it's bad. But I can't stop being Spiderman, I really can't." 

He stays silent for a moment before he replies. "I won't make you stop being Spiderman, but I want FRI in your suit as well so she can alert me straight away if something happens. I also want you to call me as soon as you see them okay." 

Nodding I smile graciously, thankful that he won't make me stop doing what I love.

"I promise I will dad," I agree, knowing I don't really feel like being killed anytime soon. 

Dad chuckles slightly, although I can tell it's a little hysterical, as he says, "only you Pete. Only you." 

Smiling brightly I say, "well it runs in the family doesn't it." 

He looks at me while faking hurt before he laughs a little and nods slightly, "I guess you're right on that one. But you better be careful." 

"I will, I promise." 

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