Chapter 7

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

I smile brightly as I'm pulled into a hug from my dad and mum. 

"Happy 15th birthday Petey," they say in unison, making me smile even brighter. 

"Thank you," I reply sincerely, never really knowing how to reply when someone says that to me. I can be quiet awkward sometimes. 

I'm led over to the island at the kitchen and forced into a chair while Uncle Bucky passes me a plate of his famous waffles, whipped cream on them with strawberries. I thank him and quickly begin to eat them, savouring every mouthful. 

After finishing off my waffles I looked up and see my parents sat in front of me, anxious looks on their face. 

"Pete, before we go into the other room to give you your presents, we want to give something else to you here. You don't have to accept it, it's your choice, but we both think you're ready," mum says before sliding a piece of paper over to me. 

Furrowing my brows I lift the paper up and begin to read it. 

'In case of an emergency, or when the time comes that Anthony Edward Stark cannot continue, Stark Industries is to be passed down to Peter Benjamin Stark to inherit Stark Industries.' 

"Are you kidding?" I ask in shock. 

Both my parents look a little stunned and dad shakes his head, "no kid. You've proven yourself already to know how this place runs, not only that your amazing at it and everyone already sees you as like another boss. It's up to you though if you want to inherit it or not, all you have to do is sign it, and when the time comes, it'll be yours." 

I stay silent for a moment, letting the news settle within me. Part of me knew one day it might be mine, but I never expected this so soon, part of me was ecstatic, and the other part was resigned into worry about actually having to take over, because it would mean he wouldn't be here anymore- I shake my head of the thoughts and smile. 

"Thank you," I breath out, sending them grateful smiles. 

They both nod and dad hands over a pen and I sign where it says I need to, then dad does where he has to, then mum. 


-Third Person P.O.V- 

A few days passed and Peter didn't stop going out on patrol, after the injury the other day he was a little more cautious. His shoulder no longer ached and he was feeling better. 

The day of his birthday he had spent with his family, and then Ned, where he told him about now being the heir of Stark Industries. Ned had freaked out for a long time but finally settled when Peter gave him a look. 

Spiderman had become a name to talk about and articles were flying out about the vigilante. Ned had spoken about Spiderman and it took all Peter had within him not to outright tell Ned the truth and say, 'hey dude, you know Spiderman, well I'm him,' although he kept it to himself for the time being.  

The rumors of there being a young Stark though, were growing more and more. Unseen images began to circle the web, pictures of Tony and Peter together out when Peter was younger, some of Peter on his own when Tony was close by. 

News agencies soon began to report on it and many people were beginning to demand an answer, all wanting to know if the rumours were in fact, true. 

Sighing, Tony placed his Stark pad down and rubbed his temples, trying to fight away the headache that was bound to appear while dealing with the media and this subject. He had begun to monitor all the articles, knowing the outcome of this won't end well. 

Standing, he headed towards Peppers office, knowing she already knows about it and is probably thinking the same as he is. 

He knocks on the door and steps in smiling tiredly at his wife, "hey Pep," he greets. 

"Hey Tones," she replies, sending a small smile his way. 

"You've heard about the rumours of us having a son, right?" Tony asks, taking a seat in front of her desk. 

With a solem sigh, Pepper nods, "yeah I have. I think soon we'll have to tell the world the truth." 

Nodding Tony said, "I think we should talk to Peter about this. I know it's a little earlier then we would have liked, but I think it'll be best to get it out in the open just who Peter is. Plus people keep nagging me about who will inherit Stark Industries." 

"We can speak to Peter and if he agrees, we can have a press conference sometime next week," Pepper adds, making Tony nod in confirmation.

Later that day Tony and Pepper sat Peter down, telling him about what's been happening in the news and the media. Peter had said how he had heard a little about it already and knew something like this was going to happen. 

They went on the tell him they can have a conference next week if he is ready, and will not only be announced as a Stark, but also as the heir of Stark Industries. 

At first, Peter wasn't too sure how to feel about it, he wanted people to know who he was and for him to finally be called Peter Stark, and not Peter Parker. It also meant he wouldn't have to lie so much and he could be himself- well as much of himself he could be without allowing people to know his secret identity. 

Another thing was the dangers, it was an obvious worry for them all. People would know Peter would be the avengers weakness, after all he was their nephew, and he could be used against Tony. 

But Peter could look after himself, and if needed he would have help. Not only that, he was Spiderman, he could do it. 

So, with that in mind he agreed to the conference that will announce him. 


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