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-Third Person P.O.V- 

Fourteen years ago Tony Stark, known as the genius, billionaire,  playboy, philanthropist was sat anxiously in the hospital wing of his tower, foot tapping consciously on the floor- an anxious trait he has had since he was a child. 

Steve was sat to the left of him, finger tapping a tune against his leg as his eyes drifted around the room. 

Natasha was on the right of Tony, a mask of indifference settled on her face. But on the inside she was both nervous and excited for what's to come. 

Rhodey was pacing back and forth, anxiety swimming in his veins in fear about what this will all mean for him and his friends. Although mainly his friend. 

The others- Clint, Bucky, Vision and Wanda were all waiting upstairs for the news, not wanting to crowd the small space in the hospital. 

The clock struck 5:30AM, on the 10th of August when a doctor stepped out, a smile on his face as he looked directly at Tony. Within seconds he was on his feet and in front of the doctor, his face full of worry. 

"Are they okay?" He asks without hesitating. 

"Pepper is doing very well, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy at 5:24AM. Congratulations Mr Stark," the doctor exclaims, smiling at the relived smiles that fall on all their faces and the tears that gather in Tony's eyes. 

"Can I- can I see them?" 

The doctor nods and ushers Tony into the room, leaving the others outside the room. 

Tony faltered mid-step as he looked at the sight in front of him. His wife- Pepper- was laying in bed, looking a little ruffled but as beautiful as ever if you were to ask Tony. A bundle was resting in her arms with her eyes looking at the bundle with all the love and warmth she could muster. 

Tony moved forward and saw his baby for the first time. There was a small patch of brown hair on his head that Tony could see, and he had big brown eyes that Tony already knew would be used against him in the future.  

"Hey Pep," Tony whispers, tears slowly sliding down his face as he looks at his family. 

"Hey Tones," Pepper whispers back, lightly moving the baby and allowing Tony to hold him. 

Tentatively Tony picks him up, cradling him gently to his chest. 

"Welcome to the world Peter," Tony mumbles, watching as Peters eyes drift close in content. 


Six years passed by with everyone falling in love with Peter. If anyone were to ask though, 'Tony, do you have a child?' The answer would be no. And if you were to ask Peter 'what's your last name?' His response would be Parker. 

All the avengers- or soon to be avengers- were wrapped around his little finger and no matter what they all seemed to love him. 

That's why, when Tony sat him down to talk about something important, they all couldn't help but feel anxious about how he might react, they don't want to upset him and see him sad. 

"Buddy, you know how you don't tell anyone what your real name is, or about your family. And how it's really important that you don't tell anyone?" Tony asks, his voice soft but making sure what he's saying is understood. 

Peter nods and looks at his dad, wondering just what he might say. 

"You've seen the news of iron man right?" Tony speaks, watching as his sons eyes spark in joy and he nods quickly. 

"Iron man is so cool," Peter gushes, making small noises as he pretends to blast someone with his repulsors- although there was nothing actually there, it was just his bare hand. 

Tony laughs a little at that and lightly shakes his head in amusement, "I want to show you something Petey okay. But you gotta pinkie promise to not tell anyone okay."

Peter nods, holding out his pinkie for Tony to take, which he does as Peter says, "I pinkie promise with a cherry on top." 

Tony ruffles Peters hair and leads him down to his lab, which recently, Peter hasn't been to in a while. He stays silent, trying to figure out what it is that his dad could want to tell him and keep a secret. 

When they walk into the lab Peter stops abruptly and stares wide eyed at what's in front of him. The iron man suit was in a case and many other suits where there as well. 

"Daddy, it's iron man," Peter cheers while rushing towards the case and looking at it in awe. 

Tony laughs a little and nods going to stand beside Peter, "it sure is buddy. You wanna know who it is who's Iron man?" 

Peter gasps and nods, "you know who it is?" He asks while tilting his head. 

"I sure do Pete, after all, it is me," he replies, hoping his son will react well to the news. 

Peter doesn't say anything, instead his eyes move from the case to his dad and back again. Tony panics for a moment, thinking he upset him by not telling him. But that's not the case as Peter flings himself at Tony and hugging him tightly. 

"That's so cool," he mumbles, although it's a little muffled from the his dads shirt. 

Tony hugs him back while smiling brightly, "I know right." 


Tony Stark and Iron man were two separate people for a couple months, only his friends and family knew the truth.

Although it didn't last long, as his conference took a turn and he announced just who he is. The avengers were soon made with all his family to look after the world, Peter was astonished and was very excited by it all. Although he did worry a little for them all, but he knew they could all do it. 

After all, they were his superfamily. 

He just hoped one day, he could be like them. 




A/N- Ah I'm so excited to write this. I hope you guys like it so far 

- M xx

The life of a Stark حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن