Chapter 13

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-Peter's P.O.V-

After talking to my dad and my family about everything to do with the gang Viper, we decided that I can still go out, but like before I have to be with someone, and they need to have a weapon of some sort to help me. 

We all ate in silence that night, all thinking about the threat of Viper, while I was also thinking about the people after me as Spiderman.

Even with the prospect of having them coming after me, it doesn't really scare me enough to keep me away from it. After all, I've only just become Spiderman, and I don't want to let people down before I can even really start to become a 'hero.' 

We ended up watching a film as a family, I was sat beside dad, with mum on his side, and Uncle Bucky was on my other side. The others were all scattered around the room as we watched. 

The film ended and I stood up, before saying, "is it okay if I go patrolling?" 

Dad nods and says, "sure Pete, but make sure to call me if you see them again. I don't want something happening to you." 

Smiling I nod slightly and agree, before leaving to my room to put my suit on. I pull it on, pushing down on the spider emblem and then tap my bracelets that evolve into the web shooters. 

"Hey Karen, you ready to kick some ass, and save some people?" I exclaim while pushing open my window. 

'Hello Peter, and of course I am, I'll always be ready,' she replies. 

Smiling I jump out the window and begin to swing to my spot while saying, "that's the spirit K."


I had just gotten back onto the familiar roof after stopping some crime the past few hours when Karen spoke up. 

'Peter, it appears the weapons dealers from the other day are back, would you like their coordinates?' Karen asks, making my blood run cold slightly. It wasn't so much from fear, but it was more the uncertainty of it all.

"Please Karen, and tell dad what's happening, but don't let him follow unless it's necessary," I reply while standing up. 

'Very well Peter,' she voices, while the map appears and a small, flashing red light appears on the screen. 

Looking at the map quickly I see it's close to the same place they were at the other time I had seen them. My senses were growing with every swing I took towards them, and part of me knows maybe I shouldn't be doing this and shouldn't go near them. But the weapons they're selling are really dangerous and I know I can't allow them to be sold and shipped around the world. I can at least try to stop them, it shouldn't matter the danger. 

One life for millions, I thought darkly. 

I drop down behind a wall and peer around the corner. I watch as the same, twelve familiar men look around, like they're looking for something. 

Or someone. 

I send out Spy-der, who beeps in satisfaction at being able to move about again and hovers over to the men. I watch closely on the screen from Spy-der and see the weapons once again glowing in the night. 

"We need to hurry before that Spider comes here, I swear, if I see him again I will kill him," one man voices, all the others nodding and mumbling their agreements. 

I call back Spy-der who flies back and slots back into the emblem before I begin to move again. This is probably a mistake, but if I can at least stop the buyers from getting them then it'll be okay. 

I crawl up the wall I was hiding behind, trying to hold back how freaked out I still get at being able to do this and head upwards so I'm engulfed more in the darkness. Once high enough I crawl over to the other side of the wall where the men are all under me. 

I know dad is on his way as a small message popped up on my screen with the information and dad saying 'don't be stupid.' 

But I think this is smart, if it saves people then surely it is. 

I web a rock that I spot a little aways and throw it the other side of me, making a loud bang and all the men turn to look at it sharply. 

"Go check that out," the leader says, pointing his alien gun at three men and over to the sound. The other men are quick to comply and scurry away. 

Three down, nine to go. 

Sighing I decide to just get this over and done with before the other three come back. I shoot a web out and hit one of the men square in the back and pull him backwards, making him stagger back harshly. 

This catches the attention of the other men and they all swivel over to look at me, guns already raised. 

Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. 

"Get him," the leader growls. 

I dodge a shot from the right and hear it slam into the wall behind me. I quickly drop down to the floor and as I drop and hit the floor I shoot out two webs at two peoples feet before pulling at it and watching as they hit the ground. 

Six down, five to go. 

A buzz of electricity whizzes past my head and I know if that hit me it would hurt. Another beam of light from one of the guns comes towards me and I step to the left only to get hit in the side by another beam of light. I can feel it burn my side slightly but I pay it no mind and instead rush forward, catching them all off guard. 

My fist connects with a jaw and I watch as he goes down with a satisfying thud as he hits the floor. 

Seven down. 

Four left. 

A fist lands in my stomach before I can react and I stumble back, feeling the pain from both the punch and the burn. 

Four people, or weapons. 


I switch to my grenade webs and throw one towards them while rushing towards the box of weapons placed on the floor. I hear shouts from behind me but pay it no mind as I rush towards it and web it up tightly, knowing I can take it back for dad and Uncle Bruce to look at it. 

I pick it up and begin to move, ignoring the pain of the burn, just knowing I have to get out of here. Before I'm fully out of sight and hearing range- well for humans at least- I hear the leader shout, "next time Spiderboy, you'll be dead. Now that I can promise." 


I stop on the roof I always go to and see dad flying towards me, the box was sat at my feet and I was thinking about a way to get Viper off my back. I know I should be concentrating on the others, but this Viper gang feels like more of a threat right now. 

A plan forms in my head and I smile a little to myself, this could work. 




 A/N- I love Spy-der.

- M xx

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