Chapter 20

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

The incessant beeping from something beside me wakes me up and I peel my eyes open, squinting a little at the light. 

"Pete, can you hear me?" I hear my dad say from beside me, his hand gripping mine with a firm grip. 

"Dad," I mumble in confusion, trying to remember what happened. 

"Yeah kid it's me," he says. 

Oh yeah, the fight. I remember going against the men because of the HYDRA agents. But I got hit and the HYDRA agent was going to shoot me. Why didn't he. 

"What happened?" I ask, wanting to know everything else. 

An tired sigh falls from his lips, "you didn't wait for backup, and nearly got yourself killed. That's what," he grumbles in anger, although I can tell he's just as relieved I'm okay. 

"Dad I'm sorry, I was waiting, but the HYDRA agents were going to leave with the weapons and I couldn't let that happen. You know I can't and you were still five minutes away," I explain, a little breathless being still injured. 

His expression softens slightly and he says, "I know kid, and I'm so sorry I wasn't quicker. But that doesn't mean I'm still not a little angry at you. Anyway I got there just before the agent was able to shoot you and I took him and the other one out before they could do anything. The police came and took them all away." 

I sigh in relief and smile a little to myself, "that's good." 

Dad smiles, despite the anger he was feeling, and ruffles my hair lightly, "damn right it's good. If you died I would have killed you myself."

Frowning a little I look at him with serious eyes and say, "I really am sorry dad." 

Shaking his head a little he replies, "I know you are kiddo. But all that matters is that you're alive and okay. Although your mum isn't very happy with you."

I grimace at the thought of how angry she will be, I was about to beg dad to at least talk to her about it, but he seemed to know I was going to say this as an evil smile falls onto his face and he shakes his head. 

"Nope, nu huh, I'm not talking to her. You'll just have to deal with it, think of it as compensation for all the grey hair you've been giving me these past few weeks," dad quips. 

Rolling my eyes slightly I smile and nod knowing there is no way out of it now. 


A few weeks had passed since then and I had healed properly and begun to patrol again. Thankfully there were no more weapons dealers so I could deal with the low level criminals. 

Dad wasn't messing either when he said mum would be angry, she shouted at me for around ten minutes, then began to cry and hug me. To say I felt bad would be an understatement. But she forgave me after I promised her it wouldn't be happening again soon and I used my puppy eyes. 

I had spent a lot of time with my aunts and uncles as well while recovering. It was nice and I was really happy to have them in my life.

Ned had also been over a lot and he was yet to know of my other identity, that was why he was over right now, rambling on about Spiderman. 

"Dude, have you seen some of the times he has fought, it's so cool," he gushes while pretending to shoot out webs. 

I snort silently to myself and nod along as he picked up a glass of water. 

"Yeah, I guess it is," I reply with nonchalance. 

He gasps and turns to me with so much speed his glass falls from his hands. Before I can think much of what I'm doing I shoot a web out and catch the glass before it hits the ground. 

Ned looks at the glass, then me, then the web, then me again before he begins to stutter out words. 

"You- your Spiderman," he gasps while looking at me. 

I send him a small smile with a shrug and whisper meekly, "surprise."

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