She's cute

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                 Emily arrived at med the same time as yesterday since she didn't plan on stopping for long, "hey..." her dad spoke out, more calmly then last time.  She smiled weakly and walked into his room with a coffee and a small bag in her hand, "the nurse told me you're on a warning..." she looked at him blankly.   Her dad huffed, "yeah well she tried to poke my back where it hurt, so I told her to get out" he summed up.  Emily shook her head, "they're only trying to help you dad, let them" she sighed and handed him his coffee, "I guess" he mumbled and accepted the coffee.  "I can't stay for long again but I brought you some food, it's not home cooked meals but it's better then hospital food..." she opened up the bag.  Her dad smiled sadly and watched her, he had to admit he was feeling guilty for treating her how he had been but he knew he couldn't fix her childhood now it had already been ruined a long time ago.

                 She placed a sandwich and some hashbrowns onto his tray and then put the twizzlers and a pancake onto his trolley thing.  "Thanks em..." he spoke for the first time in a while.  She smiled sadly, she couldn't forgive him and she certainly couldn't forget what he did but he was all she had left.  "Don't worry about it" she spoke softly.  Her dad nodded and stared at her, "you have your moms eyes..." he blurted out.  Emily felt the emotions rising from her stomach, she checked her phone for the time and nodded, "yeah...well I have to get going, I'll stop by later if I get time" she nodded.  Her dad smiled sadly and watched his daughter walk out, he had no clue why she wanted to help him after everything he had done to her. 

                As soon as Emily got into her car she saw the time, 7:15am, she had a few minutes to spare before getting to work.  She couldn't hold back her tears any longer, her mother, her beloved mother was dead and she had been for a long time, he just brought back a painful memory, her sobs turned into painful cries before she saw she had been crying for 5 minutes.  She wiped away her tears and looked in the mirror, her eyes were a bright blue and they sparkled like her mother's did, but now they were bloodshot, she sighed and just hoped they would calm down by the time she drove to work.

                 As she pulled up outside the district it was 7:28am, she just made it.  She checked her eyes before getting out of the car, they had calmed down but they were still a little red, she shook her head and got out the car.  She ran straight up the stairs, 7:30am, barely.  Jay smiled at her, but hank was stood in the doorway smiling at her too. She obviously smiled back with her wide smile.  She sat down at her desk but hank called her into his office, "Taylor, you got a sec?" Hank looked down at her. Emily shot her head up, "yeah of course" she smiled and stood up. Once again jay shrugged his shoulders as she looked at him.

"You're not in trouble don't worry" he laughed and pointed to the chair opposite him, Emily closed the door and laughed a little too. She waited for him to explain as he sat upright in the chair, "everything okay?" He asked her. She smiled at him, "yeah Sarge, why wouldn't it be?" She tilted her head. Hank smiled, "you've barely been making it on time for the past few days, just thought maybe there's something going on, something I should know about?" He looked at her in concern.  She smiled at him, "everything's fine Sarge, I just got a couple of things to handle right now" she smiled again.  Hank furrowed his brows, "anything I should know?" He enquired.  Emily smiled, "it's just a family situation, you don't need to worry about it" she nodded.  Hank nodded back, "you know we're all here to help if you need anything, just let me know if I can help" he smiled.  Emily smiled and nodded, "I'll be fine, but I know where to find you if I need anything" she stood up.  Hank smiled and waved her out, that's all he needed to hear, he would just look out for her.

She walked back out into the bullpen and saw that jay was missing, she assumed he was just downstairs, "you're all on call today" hank stepped out of his office for a second. They all groaned and huffed, Emily just needed to wait for jay now, she walked into the locker room half expecting to be alone but she saw jay putting something into his locker. "Did you just change your shirt? Don't think I didn't notice that you had the same clothes on as yesterday" she laughed. Jay looked at her, "guilty" he smiled. Emily laughed and opened her locker to get out her hair brush since she was short on time this morning, "now it might be because I'm a detective, but I think there's a girl involved..." she joked. Jay laughed and shook his head, "it's not like that, she's an old friend. One of our college friends passed away and she came to tell me, so I took her back to her place and stayed with her since she was fairly upset" he explained.

Emily frowned, "I'm sorry to hear that, are you both okay?" She smiled sadly. Jay smiled at her worry for him, "I'm fine, he wasn't really that much a friend to me, but she's still grieving" he nodded. Emily smiled, she knew he was telling the truth since he didn't have the little eye narrow that happens when he lies, "enough about me, are you okay? Your eyes are red, have you been crying?" He looked at her face while she brushed her hair. Emily laughed at his worried panic, "I'm fine jay, it's just my allergies playing up" she shook her head, she partially lied but she didn't want anyone to worry about her. Jay nodded, "so you cry over grass? cats? dogs?" He smiled. Emily laughed, "bingo, grass it is" she nodded, but that was the truth, she has hay fever, that's just not why she was crying. Jay laughed, "we're on call, we gotta go" she added. Jay nodded as she put her hair brush back in her locker.

The pair wandered downstairs with their radios, badges and guns ready for patrolling but as they got to the bottom of the stairs they both saw the girl stood looking at them, jay sighed, "ally, what're you doing here?" He walked over and hugged her. She smiled at him, "I was thinking maybe we could grab dinner or something tonight, like a catch up you know?" She smiled. Jay looked hesitant as he saw Emily walk over to the door and wait for him, "oh c'mon jay, it's just dinner" she laughed. Jay caved in after thinking about it, "yeah okay, I'll pick you up at 7" he smiled. She gave him one last hug before walking out of the district, smiling at Emily who smiled back in the way out.

Jay walked over to Emily ready for work, "she's cute" Emily looked up at him, jay laughed, "she's an ex, that's all" he raised an eyebrow. Emily looked at him and raised an eyebrow back, "if you say so" she shrugged her shoulders. Jay shook his head but smiled as they both got into his car and drove to the area they were patrolling. 

                "You coming to mollys?" Kim smiled at Emily as they walked down the precinct stairs, Emily smiled, "I actually got something planned sorry" she smiled.  Kim nodded and waved her off, they all separated ways, jay had already dashed since he had dinner with ally, Emily thought she was cute and sweet from her smile earlier today.  She was happy for jay, he looked happy with her.  She just wanted everyone around her to be happy, herself came last in her mind.

                Emily's plans were monopoly with her dad, she didn't even know why she was staying with him while being in hospital.  She would just hate to be alone if she was in there so she didn't want him being alone too, no matter how much he hurt her.  She walked into his room with snacks and the board game, "figured you'd be bored" she smiled weakly and sat down.  Her dad let out a small laugh, "haven't you got some place better to be?" He looked at her.  Emily shrugged, "not really, besides, I thought you'd want my company?" she smiled a little wider but then realised he was being grumpy still.  Her dad had missed that smile, it's just like her mother's.  He nodded as they both ate candy and played monopoly until Emily had to go home, "see you later" she waved and walked out of his icu room.  Her dad waved her off, they had shared laughter all night but Emily won the game obviously.

                Emily got back into her car and began crying, she remembered all the good times she had with him, like what just happened then, when she was younger before he turned abusive.  She just wished he'd have stayed like that instead of going off the rails but then again she realised that he turned into a monster because of her...

                Jay went out for dinner with ally, surprisingly it was fairly pleasant, but to him, none of this felt right, she was an ex for a reason.  He put up with that feeling and ate his meal, "I'll be seeing you again won't I?" She smiled.  Jay nodded, "yeah maybe" he smiled before they both got into his car.  He drove her home then drove himself home, he had completely forgotten about the world around him and just went to sleep.

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