no way...

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*two months later*

Emily was stood in the mirror, facing the side, just staring at her now visible, yet small, baby bump, when jay walked into the bedroom sipping on his coffee, which she was still annoyed that she couldn't have. He smiled and walked up behind her before wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his hands on top of hers which laid on her stomach, "what is it?" He smiled. She smiled back, "I'm showing..." she laughed slightly. He stared at her in the mirror with a proud smile on his face, "we're gonna have to tell the team now, you know that right?" She turned around and looked up at him. He smiled and nodded as he stared into her eyes, "Mmhmm, then we'll tell them. What times your appointment?" He nodded.

"3, so I guess we'll have to find another excuse to dash" she smiled. He laughed and nodded. For the past two months they've been finding random excuses to get away from either a) Emily drinking alcohol and beer, or b) sneaking off to doctors appointments without anyone being suspicious. She smiled as he nodded, "we can tell them either today or tomorrow, and then in a month or two we'll find out the gender..." she smirked. He smiled back, "I already know what we're having..." he shrugged and walked over to the closet so he could put a shirt on. She laughed and smiled, "really? What're we having?" She sat down to put her shoes on.

"A girl" he smiled through the mirror. She raised an eyebrow, "oh yeah? Is that what you want it to be?" She stood up again. He nodded with a small smirk, "definitely. Knowing how me and Will were when we were kids, we're gonna need all the help we can get if it's a boy" he laughed. Emily laughed too, "but if it's a girl... she's gonna be just as complicated as me" she shrugged. He smiled, "I wouldn't want it any other way, besides, I've already cracked you. So understanding our daughter shouldn't be too hard" he shrugged too. She smiled and playfully rolled her eyes, "alright Halstead" she followed him out of the house.

                 "Hey, coffee?" Antonio smiled as Emily walked past his desk.  She smiled but shook her head, "no thanks, Toni" she shrugged.  He looked at her suspiciously, but he isn't stupid, his wife did have a child herself, he knows the signs.  She smiled as she sat down at her desk as jay shot her a small wink, oh boy, Antonio definitely knows.  Hank walked out of his office and began announcing their new case, "I want everyone to gear up, we're going out ourselves to catch this bastard" he sighed.  Jay looked at emily in worry, this is too dangerous for her, and he could see the same thoughts flashing across Emily's brain.

               "Em... we gotta tell voight, it's too risky" he grabbed her arm gently.  She looked up at him and smiled, "I was just about to" she nodded.  He smiled back, "good, well I gotta go but I'll see you later" he nodded before running after the team.  Emily luckily caught voight just as he was about to leave the bullpen, "Sarge?" She called out. He turned around and nodded for her to carry on, "um, I just hit twelve weeks, and, I'm showing..." she smiled weakly. He smiled back and pointed to her desk, "I'll sort the paper work out, you're on desk duty" he nodded. She smiled back, "alright" she laughed slightly. He smiled back before disappearing to go man his unit. She sighed and sat down, here's to a living hell for the next few months.


           At around 2:40pm Emily checked her phone for the time, she really needs to start heading over to med for her check up, but she doesn't want to go without jay.  However, he's still out on the call with hank and the unit, so she's kinda stuck...

She had no idea on what to do, but she knew she couldn't wait around any longer. So she grabbed her phone, jacket and badge, before shoving her gun into her desk drawer and leaving the district. She called jay to quickly let him know that she's going to med, but she knew he wouldn't hear the voicemail yet.
Emily: "hey, I had to get going. I'll let you know how it goes"

                  She arrived at med fairly early, but it was fine since that meant Natalie could see her sooner due to the quiet waiting room.  "No jay?" Natalie closed the door behind her.  Emily smiled, "no, he's out in the field. I'm on desk duty" she laughed.  Natalie nodded, "I was just about to ask you that, it's the right call" she smiled as Emily laid down.  "Alright, let's see your baby then" the doctor added and pulled the scanning machine over.


Jay ran over to Emily once he got back to the district, he had been out all day and he knew that he missed the appointment which made him pretty sad. She looked up and smiled at him, "hey, I'm so sorry. I tried to get out but I couldn't..." he began rambling, "hey it's alright, it was only quick" she shook her head and whispered. He smiled and looked around as the unit started flooding in too, "locker room, 5 minutes" she nodded. He smiled and returned to his desk before people could get suspicious and nodded as he sat down.

               "Hey" Emily walked into the locker room to see jay sat on the bench, "hey, how'd it go? Was it okay?" He grabbed her hand as she sat down.  She smiled and nodded, "it was great. Nat said everything's normal, and the baby's healthy so that's good" she smiled and reached into her back pocket.  Jay smiled as she handed the scan photos over, "wow" he nodded in shock, "I just wish I could've been there" he sighed.  Emily rubbed the back of his hand, "there'll be more appointments jay, it's not the end of the world" she laughed slightly.  He smiled back and nodded before putting the scan pictures into his back pocket, "I say we go home and relax, we can tell the team tomorrow" he nodded.  She smiled back and nodded, "me too" she laughed as they stood up.


"Hey guys. Me and jay have something to tell you all" Emily stood in front of the unit with a nervous smile on her face. Hank was stood behind her in his doorway, everyone turned to look at them as jay stood up beside her. Jay smiled at their curious glares, "we're having a baby" he nodded. Everyone gasped and immediately made their way over to them, "no way..." Kevin smiled. Emily laughed and accepted his hug, "congrats man" Adam have jay a manly bear hug mixed with a hand shake thing. Kim smiled, "you have no idea how hard it was to keep this a secret" she gave Emily a hug. Both Emily and jay laughed, oh how lucky they are to have friends like this. Antonio smiled as he pulled Emily into a hug, "I had my suspicions, like seriously, no coffee? That's not like you" he laughed. She laughed too, she knew he had figured it out...

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