Chapter 1 Prologue

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[No one POV]

Long ago, in ancient times, the world was born from darkness and light. The darkness is the Demon world and the light... is the Human world.

The two worlds were once one but the world ended up separated into two. And because of that, the Emperor of Darkness Mundus tries to unite the two worlds again by attacking the Human world.

A great war then broke out between the two worlds. However, humans are weak. They have no chance against the power of demons from the world of darkness.

The light was devoured by the darkness and the lives of humanity were almost annihilated but at that very moment, he appeared...


Sparda rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race

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Sparda rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race. With his sword, he separated the universe and sealed the demons off from the Human world.

Later he quietly reigned the human world and continued to preserve harmony until one day, he secretly disappeared.

Soon after, the humans eventually forgot about his existence.

Then, this hero who was once real became just a legend, and from a legend, it then became a fairy tale, and that fairy tale is now forgotten....

Now, the Humans forget about Sparda along with the existence of the demons.

But one thing is certain, Sparda exists...

[Opening end]



The sun that frantically tried to enter the room passed through the window, and the sound of my alarm was prompting me to get up.

Y/n=A little longer... just a little longer...

At this moment, staying in bed is the most wonderful feeling. I suppose everyone knows how to enjoy this peaceful feeling, right? Well, that should be the case.


Y/n=Shut up dammit!

I then rubbed my eyes and complained to wake myself up.

I then went to the bathroom to wash my face and then I went downstairs.


It's Kotori Itsuka waking up his adopted brother Shido Itsuka.

Well, I was also adopted by the Itsuka family when I was young. Back then when I was little, my real family was slaughtered by creatures called demons. Not long after that, I was brought here by an old woman named Nell Goldstein. She asked the Itsuka family to adopt me and they agreed to adopt me. And for some reason, she gave me two pistols, Ebony and Ivory. At first I didn't know why she gave that pistols to me but after I found out that she is the one who made my father's gun, I now understand why she gave me that guns.

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