Chapter 11 Twin demons?

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[A month later]

It's early in the morning. The light from the bright sun began to enter my room through the window and tried to wake me from my peaceful sleep

Y/n=Uhh... It's so bright...

I covered my head with the blanket to avoid the bright light from the sun but then my alarm went off.



I then got up from my bed and opened the window. After that I took the alarm and threw it out of the window.

Then I went back to my bed again.


Y/n=What the?!

When I was going to sleep again, suddenly I heard an explosion from the first floor.

I tried to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep but...


It happened again for the second time.

Y/n=What the hell is going on down there?!

I then went downstairs to check what happened. When I got to the first floor, I saw Shido was already in the living room. I also saw Tohka there.

She was crying while holding a wet book.

Y/n=Hey Shido. What's going on here?

Shido=W-Well, it was just...


Then suddenly, the bathroom door exploded and froze.

Seeing that I then went to the bathroom to see what happened.

In the bathroom, I saw that the whole room was frozen and there was ice everywhere.

I also saw Yoshino who was wearing a towel crying beside the bath.

Y/n=Yoshino, what happened?

Yoshino=Y-Y/n.. Please help Yoshinon... Yoshinon!

I then looked into the bathtub and I saw Yoshino's doll got stuck in the bath drain. I then took the doll and handed it back to Yoshino.

Yoshino=Th-Thanks Y/n.


I heard another explosion from the living room. I then went back into the living room and I saw there was flour scattered everywhere.

Tohka=Sorry Shido! This time I spilled the soy flour everywhere!

Shido=It's alright! I won't hate you for that!

Y/n=Hey! What's really going on here?!

Shido=Um.. Ah...

Shido then started to explain everything to me

[Small timeskip]

Shido had explained to me that all the explosions and ice earlier were caused by Yoshino and Tohka's unstable emotions. He said that if their emotions were unstable, their spirit power that had been sealed by him would return just like this morning.

Well, that explains all the crazy things that happened earlier.

"Breaking news! Two powerful and extremely fast moving hurricanes appeared over the pacific ocean last night and disappeared shortly after.

I'm currently sitting on the sofa in the living room watching the news on TV.
While I was watching the news, Yoshino changed the channel to a drama program.

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