Chapter 16 Reunion

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In front of me now stood an old man who was wearing a blue pin-stripe suit and a tan trench coat. At the moment when I saw his face I immediately recognized him. It's none other than Grue, a person who took care of me besides Nell Goldstein.

Grue=Long time no see, Tony.

After he said that he walked over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

Grue=It's been a while. You've grown up now.

Y/n=Grue.... Where the hell have you been after all these years? What's going on? What happened?

After I asked that to him, he released my shoulders and began to lit a cigarette.

Grue=.. After Nell brought you to this city she said that we don't have to disturb your new life here.

Y/n=... why?

Grue=You should probably ask Nell yourself..

Y/n=Nell... Is she still alive?

Grue=Yes, she's still alive.

Y/n=So she.....

Grue=..Tony, do you wish to meet her?

As soon as Grue said that, I quickly grabbed my red coat and put it on.

Y/n=Take me to her.

[3rd POV]

It was now 10:00 in the morning. Y/n who was just getting out of the train took a deep breath while looking up at the clear sky.

Y/n=I can't believe I'm back in this town again. It's been a while...

He was now in the city called Redgrave city, his hometown.

After his short reunion with Grue, Grue brings him to the Redgrave city to meet Nell Goldstain.

Grue=Are you ready? We'll go right away when you're ready.

Grue who was in a blue sedan said that. In response Y/n just nodded and immediately got into the car. Grue then started driving away from the station.

Grue=So you're a devil hunter now, Tony?

Y/n=Yeah. Many demons have been showin' up lately and they all are after me, hence I became a devil hunter.

Grue=I see... Looks like things didn't go as Nell expected.

Y/n=...? What do you mean?

Grue=Just never mind what I said.


[A few minutes later]

After driving for a few minutes, they finally arrived in front of a building that was plastered with "Goldstein's shop" signs.

Y/n=This is it... eh?

Y/n took a deep breath and then stepped out of the car.

Grue=I'm leaving now but I'll be back later.

Y/n=Where are you going?

Grue=I want to bring someone here to meet you, meanwhile take your time with Nell, okay?

Y/n=.. Okay.

Grue then patted Y/n's shoulder before getting into his car and drove away from the scene.

Y/n turned his gaze towards Nell's shop and then walks towards the door.


After he made up his mind Y/n turned the doorknob and the door swung inward.

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