Chapter 5 Hunter and Hunted

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[The next day]
[At the Tengu City]

???1=The first seal is Temen Ni Gru.

???2=Temen Ni Gru...

???1=To activate the Temen Ni Gru we have to break the seals at Four different locations. The first seal is in this city. This is Sparda's seal but with his son, it should be easily broken.

???2=I see... Then we better get moving.

???1=But before that...

???2=What now... Arkham.

Arkham=Have you meet him, Vergil?

Vergil=Y/n? Yes. I've met him yesterday but it seems he didn't recognize me. I want to invite him to cooperate with us but I think he will refuse my invitation so I leave him.

Arkham=Why do you think so?

Vergil=I figured, he has always been rebellious. Just like his father.

Arkham=The opposite of you, I see. So his rebellious behavior can perhaps be seen as the human side of him..

Vergil=Most likely yes.

Arkham=I see. Anyway, did he have the key?


Arkham=So why don't you take it from him when you have the chance? Hmm, perhaps you want me to retrieve it myself?

Vergil=That is my personal business. Don't interfere, I can retrieve the key anytime. Let's just find the ruin. I can't waste my time on you anymore.

[Meanwhile at Itsuka residence]
[Shido POV]

I'm in the kitchen now cooking breakfast for today.

Then coming from upstairs, Kotori ran towards the living room holding a candy.

Kotori=Good morning, onii-chan!

Shido=Morning Kotori.

A few moments later, Y/n came down from upstairs carrying a towel.

Shido=Good morning, Y/n.

Y/n=Ah yeah, whatever...
He says while rubbing his eyes.

After I finished cooking I put the food on the dining table.

Y/n=Shido, I'll use the bath first..

Wait, isn't Tohka still in the bathroom...?

[Y/n POV]


I walked to the bathroom while yawning. As I walked suddenly Shido yelled at me.

Shido=Y/n, wait!

But I just ignored him. I grabbed the door handle then I entered the bathroom.


In an instant, my body froze. Tohka was in the bathroom!
There was not a single cloth that was covering her body!

Y/n=W-Wha... To-Tohka...?

Tohka=...?! Wha.... Y-Y/n?!

Y/n=So-Sorry! I didn't know!

Tohka=E-Enough. Just get out of here!!

She then slapped me very hard, that slap causing me to fly backward, hit the wall behind, and fall hard on the floor.

Tohka immediately put on her towel then she ran towards me.

Tohka=...! Y-Y/n! So-Sorry! I don't mean to!

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