Part 5-Feeling

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Adalina's POV.

Fazal has been ignoring me for a week. He stopped joining Ayla and I for studying.

He doesn't look or talk to us. He completely distanced himself from us. I explained to Ayla what happened and she's also confused.

My point wasn't to make him mad or upset. I was only trying to help. But, I feel like I did something that he didn't really like. It must be deep since he decided to not have anything to do with us anymore.

I also realized that his face is not bruised anymore and he looks good. As if the bullies had stopped bothering him.

As for the video, I got the chance to explain to Ayla to not give it to her sister's friend. In the video, we can see Fazal and Aslan clearly. Since Fazal looks okay now, I don't think it's necessary.

And I remember clearly what he said to me that day "I'll help myself". I thought we were good friends. Enough for us to help each other but I guess I was wrong. He doesn't want any help.

I am pretty upset. Mostly because he could've just let us know that he doesn't want to be our friend. Instead, he just stops like that and doesn't tell us why.

I don't even know if I should feel guilty or not.

The bullies are kind of different now. Zahara stopped bothering me in the hallways but I feel like she always has an eye on me and that's awkward. She's always with Ahmed, who I can tell just by the way he stares at her that he is definitely into her.

Miran is a very odd guy. He's a part of them and we've seen him joining the fight the first time we saw them beating up Fazal but when he talks to me or Ayla he seems to be the nicest guy ever. He's social and funny sometimes.

He likes to randomly come and see us and just have conversations with us. I don't know if we should trust him. I don't get why he's the only one out of his gang who's interested in us.

Moving on to Aslan, I just hate him even more. My brain keeps telling me that because of him Fazal definitely stopped talking to us. He must've threatened him or something like that.

And overall, everything that I've seen about him is bad. He says bad words, he beats people up and everyone is always so scared of him.

He still gets his food from me during lunch times. I try to not even have any eye contact with him at all.

Other than that, I have to now do his homework and give him my exam answers.

I was in my room cleaning up. Being in school and having to keep my life balanced at the same time is barely possible. My room always becomes a mess before I even realize it.

I was in the middle of folding my clothes when Abbu came in my room.

"Hey sweetie" he said.

"Abbu, is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Yes beta, I'm fine..I want to ask you if you've made your choice for college?" he asked.


I haven't even been thinking about it really. It bothers me how everyone around me seems to know what they want to be and study but I'm still clueless.

I mean I'm a great student. I have good grades and I'm always the first in class but I don't really have anything that I like. Or I'd say, that I want to do for the rest of my life.

"I'm not sure.." I hesitated.

"It's okay dear, take your time..oh and aunty wants you to take care of her kids tomorrow " he reminded me.

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