Part 45- A Life For A Life

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Adalina's POV.

It would be a lie to say that I have never seen my husband so emotional. If someone was to ask me, what kind of man did you fall in love with?

This is probably what I would say.

He is really caring and loving. He is the kind of man to hide his feelings for others to feel better and not worry while he has so much to say.

He is the kind of man to treat a flower with so much care. Water it everyday, place it in the sun and never let it die. He is a good man. A man, true of his words and kind of heart although people will try to change that.

The world has hurt him many times however that has never changed his pure heart. Aslan, is a good man and he will always be the best man to me.

During the day, he would take care of me. Making sure I eat well, dress comfortably, feel at ease and share my thoughts with him.

And during the night, he would go to his dad and spend the night by his side. Watching his heartbeat that could stop at any time. Looking at him for the last few moments left.

I see all that and I pray to Allah that his pain could ease. Loosing someone is so hard. It's so hard. It's like, a part of you and who you are is taken away. It's like you're forced to feel better for your own good while it is barely possible.

It's like being forced to forget about all of the unforgettable precious moments that were created in pair of two. Loosing someone, is one of the hardest things for a human being.

The most heart warming moment I'll never forget is when Aslan brought me to his dad. I talked with him, he was happy to see me. He was happy about my pregnancy, talking about how he would not be able to be a grandpa.

Therefore, he was smiling even through the pain. That day, Aslan and his dad prayed together to Allah. And, that was the most beautiful moment. I hope they both remember that.

Despite the countless imperfections and sins, they did not give up on Allah. I am glad to see and know that.

A few months passed away and so did his dad. On that day, it was raining outside however the sky was blue. It wasn't dark, it wasn't filled with grey clouds and thunder. No, it was completely blue while the rain poured.

My belly was now showing and anyone could tell that I had a baby. For a couple days, it was really silent. And I mean by that, we kept on going with our lives but none of us had anything to say.

Aslan sold the penthouse. We came to the decision we wouldn't go back there. The place I have now is perfect for both of us.

He would work from home and I would stay by his side. We pray together more often and cook together some times.

He couldn't find any way to leave the mafia. He tried hard and I saw that but it was all useless. The mafia had their own rules and they wouldn't break it for anything or anyone.

I know that it's risky but at this point I had gave up on being scared and decided to keep on going while believing in Allah.


I was folding our clothes in the living room while watching tv while Aslan was in his office working on some papers when the bell rang.

I got up curious to know who would show up at our door. I grabbed a scarf and wrapped on my head quickly before making me way to the door as I met with Miran.

"Hi how are you?" he said with a smile.

"I'm doing good, thanks. Are you here for Aslan?" I asked him.

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