Getting ready

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After coming home from eating ice cream with his friends, Adrien couldn't help but feel disappointed. It was definitely not what he expected. I mean, seeing his friends was always a nice feeling. But Adrien had gotten his hopes on seeing her only to find out she would not be attending. For some reason, he felt empty. Confused about why he was feeling this way, he tried to shake off the feeling, but it remained there throughout the entire time. The Adrien Agreste was missing Marinette Dupain Cheng.

It wasn't so much that he was the third wheel, since he was used to that by now, but more of the fact that Marinette did not bother to come. He couldn't help but be a little hurt that she did not want to see him as badly as he wanted to see her. He knew he was probably overreacting, and she was probably busy with designing or the bakery, but for some reason, the thought that there was a small possibility that was true pained him a lot. Why did he feel this way?

"I'm overreacting, right? She was probably super busy designing like she normally is," Adrien thought out loud. "Yes, kid now, go to bed," Plagg responded, annoyed. "But then why didn't she answer? I texted, wondering why she decided not to come, but she never responded. Maybe she was with Luka." The thought of Marinette and Luka made Adrien's stomach turn as he sat against the backboard of his bed, holding his knees to his chest staring off angrily toward nothing specifically.

He was not sure what he was feeling. He had never had he felt this way before. It was different. He couldn't explain it, but he didn't like it. It's not like he hated Luka, he is a great guy, but the thought of him around Marinette made him feel uneasy. Could he be jealous? No, of course not. Marinette was his friend, and the only reason he felt that way is that he felt the need to protect her from getting hurt, right?

Plagg knew that his holder was crazy jealous, but knowing Adrien, he would deny it till he can't anymore. So, he decided not to mention it. Instead, he replied with, "Relax, Adrien, it was a long flight, and knowing her she was probably tired and went to bed early." At that moment, Adrien's phone rang. Thinking it was Marinette, he jumped off his bed and ran towards his phone excitedly, only for his smile to turn to a frown at the sight of a name that was clearly not Marinette. Kagami.

Adrien had already ignored the first two calls, and knowing Kagami, she would be capable of calling Gabriel himself to get ahold of Adrien. Sighing, Adrien answered the call.

Adrien- Hello

Kagami- Adrien, where have you been? I have called more than once. Is there a reason you didn't answer?

Adrien- *yeah, I didn't want to speak to you.* Kagami, you know I am usually busy.

Kagami- You should make time for your girlfriend.

Adrien- Yeah, I know. Look, it's late, and I am tired. If my father finds out I am still up, he will be upset. I'll call you tomorrow, okay.

Kagami- Okay, I guess

Adrien- Bye Kagami

Adrien hung up the call and threw his phone in his desk disappointedly, and laid back down on his bed. "Adrien, it's late. You should sleep. Look, pigtails is probably asleep, and you will still see her at school tomorrow morning." Plagg called out tiredly. Adrien knew he was right, so he nodded and went to sleep. Adrien then smiled as he thought of seeing her in the morning and soon drifted to sleep.


"Marinette!!!" Marinette woke up to the screams of her Kwami. "Ahhh," she screamed. Her body jumped in fear, causing her to fall off her bed and her butt land hard on the floor. "Ouch," she whined, feeling the pain take over. Tikki giggled at how clumsy her holder was.

"Sorry," Tikki said, still giggling, earning a glare from the young holder. "Tikki, you scared the life out of me," Marinette whined, picking herself up off the floor. "Sorry, Marinette, but I thought you would want to wake up early so you could get yourself ready and confident before the confession," Tikki replied sweetly.

In all honesty, Tikki was just as excited as Alya. She had wanted her holder to confess for the longest time. Even though Marinette was the youngest holder Tikki had ever received, she was definitely the best Ladybug. All that Tikki wanted was her happiness, which Marinette always pushed aside for everyone else's.

Tikki watched as Marinette gulped, and her eyes widened. "I-I don't think I can do this, Tikki. I am not ready. What if he rejects me?"Tikki was quick to fly to her holder. She knew if he didn't help her find some confidence soon, Marinette would run again. "Marinette, trust me, you are ready. You are Ladybug, remember that. If you can defeat Akumas, then you can certainly confess. Plus, I think Alya is right. Adrien seemed to be really into you back in New York. I doubt he will reject you, but if he does, then that's his loss because there is no one in this world as amazing as you."

Marinette smiled at how sweet her Kwami is. Tikki always knew what to say. Marinette knew she was so lucky to have someone as awesome as her Tikki. "Thank you, Tikki. You are right. I can do this."

Sudden confidence filled Marinette. She can do this. She is Ladybug. Her friends were right. Today was the day, and in the end, everything will turn out perfect. Allowing her newfound confidence to take over, Marinette marched into her closet and picked out an outfit. If she was going to confess, she would do it right.

So, instead of her usual clothing, she decided to wear one of her new designs. After some help from Tikki, she went with a pink dress that went to her knees and some black flats, and instead of her normal pigtails, she straightened her hair and left it down. She recalled how Adrien thought it looked beautiful that way. What better way to impress him than letting him see it again? She applied light makeup and headed to school.

Adrien had also decided to wake up early today. He could argue and say that he couldn't sleep, but he had purposely set up his alarm to ring this early because he couldn't wait one more second until seeing his prin-friend. His friend. In a matter of minutes, he had gotten ready, eaten breakfast, and placed a sleeping Plagg in his backpack. Adrien was now headed to school, and soon his day would be perfect. Soon he would see Marinette Dupain Cheng.


"Omg is that Marinette Dupain Cheng?" Alya teased. "Girl! You are early. I can't believe it, and wow, you look amazing, Mari!" Alya yelled, hugging her bestie. Alya had been sitting in the steps with her boyfriend Nino just a second before speaking of Marinette herself, hoping today would go as planned. "Yeah, dudette, you look great." Nino agreed. "Thanks, guys," Marinette replied, hiding a blush.

Alya and Nino smirked at each other as they noticed how Marinette had dressed up so nicely just to confess. Maybe there was nothing to worry about, right? "You ready, girl?" Alya asked, holding her friend's shoulders just in case she wanted to run. "Umm yeah, I guess. Is he here yet? I kind of want to do this before there everyone gets here. The sooner, the better," Marinette responded, still feeling confident stunning both Alya and Nino.

"Who are you, and what have you done to my best friend?" Alya teased, making Marinette giggle. "Very funny, Als. Now tell me because I am really close to freaking out!" Marinette responded, beginning to feel her confidence fade away. Alya laughs at her best friend, "There she is! She is back" Nino couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriend's statement. Marinette playfully glared at them until...


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