Start of something new

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All Adrien could think the second Marinette stopped speaking was, is this real, or was he in his own personal heaven? It had to be heaven, Right? There was no way that he was as lucky as this. His lady and his princess being the same person? He could jump of joy right about now.

Adrien's silence was deafening. Marinette began to feel frightened of what he would say next. Or would he even say anything at all? Her hands began to tremble as she waited for a response from him. She had to hear it. Whether good or bad, she needed to listen to what he had to say. Their sad story had gone long enough, and it was time to either give it a happy ever after or end it for good. They had put each other through enough pain and suffering. But she also knew she had given him three months of silence, and he might just want the same. Hopefully, he would want to move on also.

Marinette waited another minute or so in the nerve-racking silence, but as she noticed Adrien still not trying to speak, she began to get up. The silence was all too much for her. He had made his disdain for Ladybug clear. Marinette was starting to believe he hated her for it. The love of her life attempted suicide, she finally confessed, and apologies, but all she gets is silence? That is what she had been afraid of. That is why she kept herself from running into his arms this morning. She knew deep inside she deserves it but wasn't it him, the one who wanted to end this crazy square?

Marinette turned around and picked up Tikki, who was sitting on the ground-hugging Plagg, watching everything closely. Taking a cookie from her purse, she split it in two, gave a piece to Tikki and one to Plagg. She was aware he did not eat cookies, but he could use some energy after being transformed. At least if Adrien were to try and jump again, Plagg could try to do something. Tikki told her Kwamis were allowed to transform and detransform their holders without being called upon if there was an emergency, but it would take a lot of energy to do so.

Marinette watched as the Kwamis silently munched on the cookie, not aware that Adrien was watching her from behind. Adrien then silently stood up and got close to her. Being Chat Noir for so long had given him the ability to do many things without making noise. Therefore, Marinette had no idea he was so close to her.

Tikki finished her cookie and nodded, signaling Marinette she was ready to go. "Tikki Sp-" she was stopped as she felt a hand grab and hold her wrist tightly. The second their skin made contact, she felt goosebumps all over her body. Her heart started racing at the speed of light. Her heart pounded like a drum in a marching band, and Marinette worried he could hear it. This was it, the moment where things would either take a turn for the better or end.

Adrien had not realized he hadn't spoken until he watched her grab her kwami and almost call on her transformation. That is when he held on to her. He needed to feel her. To know if she was real and not just his imagination. Nervously Marinette turned around, but her eyes remained on the ground. She was afraid to look into his eyes. She was scared to see the disappointment on his face. She was sure his eyes would capture the look, and that frightened her. She was happy to finally see with her own eyes that her kitty and her crush were the same, and even though he had confessed it to her before, now her heart truly believed it, but would he feel the same way?

She was Ladybug, the girl that had crushed his heart many, many times, so would he still love her after today? Will he still love her after three months of silence?

Adrien was still trying to figure out if this was real or not. That is why he touched her. Adrien needed to feel her skin. He needed to hold her in his arms to make sure this wasn't some illusion that would disappear the second his hand came in contact with it. As his hand went around her wrist, he felt a shiver down his spine. The good kind. Adrien got lost in the feel of the warmth of her skin. He felt like jumping of joy, to kiss her and make her his once and for all. The question was, could he do it?

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