Text messages and truths

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 In the two days that Adrien had been suspended for, he found himself secluding himself. After reaching home with an angry father that day, he tried calling Marinette once again but still got no response, and that was the last straw. Even Luka had said that Marinette still cared, but Adrien found it difficult to believe that. If it was true, then why wouldn't she answer. Adrien was now, thinking it was all a lie.

 Marinette didn't care for him anymore. Everyone was lying to him so that he would calm down. Adrien knew that with that fight, he had ruined their entire relationship in a matter of minutes. Adrien couldn't help but also wonder if Marinette's so-called love was also a lie. I mean, how can someone stop loving another in a matter of days? You couldn't do that. Not unless you either fell in love with someone else or never loved the person at all.

Feeling depressed, Adrien decided on taking a whole week off school instead of two days. He was undergoing depression. One that had him locking himself in his room, refusing to eat or drink anything. Gabriel worried for his son as he noticed the sudden behavior change. Adrien no longer cared care about attending school. He either wanted to be alone or refuse to have free time altogether. 

Adrien instead volunteered to model for a crazy amount of photoshoots. Many that would keep him truly busy. Sometimes he did one photoshoot after the other, working up to 12 to 16 hours a day. Many times in the week, Gabriel insisted that he go out with his friends, or invite them over, or at least take a break and eat, but Adrien refused. And the times he was forced to be home instead of working, he laid in his bed refusing to eat.

 Adrien wouldn't even answer his phone when his friends called. He wouldn't watch tv or listen to music. It was as if this was a whole new Adrien. Gabriel saw him send a text once or twice a day. But besides that, Adrien didn't do anything else. Gabriel didn't even have the slightest clue on who his son texted.

After the fourth day of Adrien's depressive state, Gabriel had grown more distraught. He already knew things were becoming worse the second he got called to school for his son starting a fight. Adrien was not a fighter, so this was news to him. The amount of damage he did to that boy's face was scary. Therefore, Gabriel decided to schedule a therapy session for Adrien and hoped that it helped him feel more like himself. He hoped to receive good news but was surprised when the doctor said it was worse than it looked. 

"Suicidal thoughts?" Gabriel asked, genuinely surprised. The doctor nodded in agreement. Oh, it was definitely worse than he thought. Out of all the people in the world, the last person he thought would be suicidal was his son. He was always so happy. How did everything change so fast? He had to fix this, but how? That was when Gabriel got an idea.


Marinette was having a hard time. Even when everyone else believed she was okay, the truth is that she was far from being okay. She was worried about Adrien. One week, he had been gone from school for one whole week. At first, they thought Mr. Agreste had gotten upset and pulled him out of school but later found out it was not the case from none other than Gabriel himself, who apparently contacted Nino. 

Marinette felt relief from knowing that was not the case, but it didn't stop her from worrying. Actually, it only made her worry more. She wanted to talk to Adrien. She missed him so much. She missed that feeling she would get when he was around and the butterflies in her stomach when he smiled at her. He has not smiled in months, and it was all her fault, but she just wasn't strong enough to talk to him yet.

Marinette often cried herself to sleep, hugging his picture, just to feel like he was close to her. She would pray that the pain she felt would go away and that she could wake up the next day with the strength to be able to talk to him, but morning after morning, it never happened. She would always wake up hurt and scared. She did not know what he would say if she were to listen to him, and the bluenette didn't think she would be able to handle another rejection from him.

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