A new Marinette

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The following morning Adrien woke up, deciding it was time to stop being stupid. He had already made many mistakes, but he refuses to make another. Adrien would do whatever it takes to get Marinette back. He could not lose her friendship, not now, not ever. Adrien was determined, and he would be damned if he lets Ladybug or Kagami ruin his chances to finally be happy. He would find a way to explain everything to Marinette, and he would earn her forgiveness even if he had to get on his knees and beg.

Marinette found herself waking up a whole hour before she had to be at school. Truth be told, she didn't really sleep much. She tossed and turned all night long with thoughts of both Adrien and Chat Noir. She felt empty and with no want to do anything. Yesterday had been the worst day of her life. First, Adrien rejects her, and then Chat Noir totally gave her the cold shoulder, and she didn't even know why. She was actually surprised he had not gotten akumatized but dismissed it with the thought that it was because she was Ladybug. Now she knew that she could not fix the Chat Noir situation now, but she could do something about Adrien. She thought about it long and hard last night.

She wondered if what she was about to do was actually the right decision. She was not one hundred percent sure, but she believed that it was something that needed to be done. In the end, all she wanted was not to be hurt again, and as long as Adrien was part of her life, she will always hurt. Of course, it would already be difficult with his face plastered all over the city, but maybe if she pretended she didn't know him, it wouldn't affect her as much, right?

Marinette had made up her mind. "He will always only see me as a friend. Well, that's not enough. Friends? No! Now I will be nothing." She then called Alya, who was surprised her friend was even awake at this time of the morning but was even more surprised to hear the words coming out of her mouth. "Wait, what?" Alya asked in astonishment. "I want to forget he exists. Alya, I love him, I truly do, but I will always be just a friend to him. A friend who will be suffering every time she sees him happy with Kagami or someone else." Marinette sighed before continuing.

"Even when he is not doing it on purpose, it hurts me, and being close to him is not going to help me get over him. Alya, I won't ignore him forever, just for a while till I am completely over him if I ever am. I just don't want to be heartbroken anymore. Please, help me make this happen, Alya. You are the only one that can help me. Just cover for me every now and then or convince him to let me go. I don't know but help me help my heart forget him," Marinette begged.

Alya did not know what to say. She was feeling torn. Alya knew this meant their small group would officially be broken. Hell, Nino would probably get mad at her for helping Marinette because he believes his friend did nothing wrong and he can't control how the heart feels or whatever. But Marinette was somewhat correct, and the last thing she wanted was her best friend to go through life suffering over Agreste. Truth be told, she did believe Marinette was taking the rejection way too hard, and making rash decisions, but she will have to make them so she can learn.

Alya thought about the situation and placed herself in Marinette's shoes. She thought about how if the roles changed and it was her going through it, what would she do. "If this was me, would I be fine with being close to someone while I hurt at the fact that he will never feel the same way I do? No, I would also want my distance," and with that, Alya made up her mind. "Ok, I'll help you."

After hanging up, Alya felt a little guilty about doing this to Adrien. He had asked for her help to fix this also, but maybe, just maybe, she could fix this while pretending to help both. After all, if she helped Marinette first, Adrien would be hurt enough to get his shit together. Then when she sees that he truly loves her and only her. Alya would be the best friend she always was and would help him fix it. Adrien needed to feel the pain Marinette was feeling. He would never truly understand that his actions affect those around him until he felt the same way she did. Even if he really didn't mean to hurt Marinette, in the end, he did. I mean, how do you forget you have a girlfriend? That's crazy.

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