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Chat Noir ran and jumped from building to building as his life depended on it. He couldn't do it anymore. He wanted to give up. Adrien felt afflicted and full of agony. He had kissed her! He had kissed Marinette Dupain Cheng, the love of his life, but she didn't want him. She no longer cared, and it killed him. Okay, maybe he scared her a little. He didn't mean to scream at her, but he was so angry. He saw the fear in her eyes, but even when he tried to stop, his mouth kept moving on its own. He really did try to stop when he saw the look on her face, but he just couldn't. It was as if his mouth was moving on its own. Adrien had felt so betrayed by her, and he couldn't control herself.

The words flew out of him without wanting. Everything he was feeling at the moment poured out of him. He felt overwhelmed. He loved Marinette so much, but the thought of his princess wanting nothing to do with him pained him. He just wanted to tell her that. He wanted to let her know that her actions were hurting him. He didn't mean to go overboard, but everything was becoming too hard to bear.

That is why he decided to do what he has been wanting to do for the past week. He was going to give her back her freedom. Adrien no longer wanted her to feel pain. Not her, or him. She hated him so much that she did something that she had never done before, not even to Chloe. She wanted to switch partners, to get rid of him so that she wouldn't have to spend time with him. All he ever wanted was for her to give him a chance to speak, and hopefully, some time to allow him to earn back her love and trust, but she didn't even want to look at him.

She was known to be kind and fair, but she had not been fair to him. In fact, she had been everything but fair. She made sure to destroy him just like he was sure he had destroyed her. Only he didn't do it on purpose. He didn't know she had feelings for him. He had asked for her help to take Kagami on a date, no wonder she hated him. He didn't know.

 In times like this, he wished he went with his original thought to ask her instead of Kagami but, he had gotten scared, and Kagami was just so insistent. But he was not mad at her. He knew he deserved that and more. Many times, he tried to tell himself he did not deserve what she was doing to him, and sometimes he even believed it, but when Adrien looked back at things and saw the pain he had put her through? He knew that he, in fact, did deserve it.

For the love of God, she loved him since day one. That means that every time he called her just a friend, he killed her little by little. It meant that the time at the museum when she confessed to the statue had been real. Her words were said with all honesty. Then that same day, it was in the car where he confessed that he loved someone else and that right there must have absolutely killed her. He now understood her reaction afterward.

Adrien now understood her past reactions. He felt guilty. He felt as if he should have known better. That day Ladybug had stood him up, he had found Marinette sad in her balcony, and it was his fault. Of course, she was destroyed.

Adrien could imagine what she felt when he asked her for help with Kagami and when she offered to double date was probably the most painful thing she had ever done. He could feel the hurt she felt that day when he shared a sweethearts ice cream with Kagami. Oh, the pain Adrien had put her through was so much it was a miracle she wasn't akumatized. But now he was paying for it. Paying dearly for every little thing he did and all those times he called her just a friend.

Then to top it off, instead of talking to her and explaining things the right way a second ago, he let his emotions get the best of him and yelled at her. He told her how her love had been a lie. How could he say that to her after everything she had done for him. After the pain, she went through just for him to be happy? He didn't mean to say that. He was just so mad he couldn't control his words.

He had really messed up this time. He called her a liar. If Marinette didn't hate him before, she surely hates him now. He felt lost, empty, alone, and worthless. At this moment, the only thing he wanted to do was end it all for good.

Chat Noir/ Adrien wanted to end the pain, the loneliness, the sorrow, and himself. Adrien was tired, he had no more strength to keep fighting. He no longer had a reason to fight, and he no longer had a reason to live. He had made up his mind the second he ran out of the classroom, and there was no turning back. It's not like someone would actually care. Maybe, Marinette would care at the beginning, but it wouldn't be for long. Later she would live a happy life with Luka.

No one else would miss him. His father will still have Natalie, and Nino will have Alya. Kagami had dumped him after witnessing the fight with Luka (Not that it mattered), but they no longer had much of a relationship. Ladybug would find a new Chat Noir in no time, and Marinette? Well, Marinette would finally get her last wish and forget that he ever existed.

Chat Noir finally arrived at the Eiffel Tower. He wanted to have one last look at Paris before ending the pain once and for all. He had seen it many times before from this vantage point, but something about knowing this was the last time made it feel different. Adrien took a deep breath before transforming into his civilian self. Adrien Agreste now stood in the place where Chat Noir was. Climbing the railing, Adrien now stood at the edge. The wind hitting his face, and the only thing keeping him from falling was the hold on the metal. The same hold that was growing weaker and weaker by the minute.

Plagg flew around crazily as he felt a panic attack wave through. He was the God of destruction. How would his power help him stop Adrien from doing this? It wouldn't, but if he didn't do something soon, he would lose his holder. 'Tikki, please, where are you?' Plagg thought to himself. "Adrien, please don't do this," Plagg begged weakly, trying to stop him. "Kid, please, this is not the answer." He begged some more, all while trying to send Tikki some sort of cry for help.

Adrien ignored Plagg's cries. Somehow he managed to block his voice completely. He then began to speak lowly. Adrien would speak his last words. After this the pain would end. "Goodbye, Ladybug. I hope the next Chat Noir will have your back like I always did. You were the best partner ever."

He then turned and looked at the Agreste mansion and spoke again with tears in his eyes. "Goodbye father, I know you tried your best this past few months." He took another deep breath and then turned and looked at the school. He gave a weak smile as he remembers meeting Nino, Alya, and Marinette. And finally becoming Marinette's friend on those school steps. "Goodbye, Nino, Alya, and Chloe. Thank you all for being my friends and trying hard to make my life better. You can't imagine how much you guys meant to me. You change my life for the better, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You were the family I never had."

Lastly, he turned and looked at the bakery and let out a soft sob before speaking. "Oh, Marinette, my love, my princess. If only you knew how much I truly love you. My heart beats only for you. Princess, you are my life. I know that I was confused at first, but I have loved you since day one. All the feelings were new to me, and I was sure I was in love with Ladybug, but I was so wrong. It had been you all along since our hands touched when I hand you my umbrella. It was you the reason I craved to be better. You were my everyday Ladybug. You were my inspiration to becoming a better Chat Noir and the reason I never gave up.

But when I realized you were my one true love, it was already too late. I had already lost you. I wish things could have been different and that I would have realized it sooner. Then maybe today we could have been together and happy. We could be making plans for our future together. Can you picture us, princess? We could be married with two kids, no, three, and a house for our own. We could have a dog or a hamster, and you would be a hotshot designer while I modeled for your brand and a superhero at night, but I guess that was too much to picture. I have already lost you, and with that, I lost myself. 

I am going now. I am going to see my mom soon. So, please, don't be sad for me. I will be fine. I will never bother you again. I hope you find someone who will love you as much as I do because I truly do with all my heart. I hope that you have all the happiness in the world. I love you, princess. I will always be taking care of you from above. I will always love you, even after my dying breath, I am so sorry, my love," and with that...


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