Adrien's breaking point

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"We need to talk," Adrien stated, staring straight into her eyes. Marinette gulped, turned around, and walked further away to put some distance between them. She was not ready to talk. In fact, she was far from ready. His sexy voice made her melt, and his gorgeous green eyes made her want to give up and run to his arms. See, what most people didn't know, was that Marinette was still completely, and utterly in love with Adrien. Just like Adrien, she had trouble sleeping and constantly cried herself to sleep as his rejection played over and over again in her head.

"A-Adrien, please let me go. Chloe is waiting for me," She responded nervously. Adrien began to get upset. Here they were finally alone, and all she wanted to do, was run away. AGAIN. "No! not until we talk. You forgave Chloe, who, by the way, was your lifetime bully, and yet you can't even give me a chance to explain. I have called you, texted you, wrote you, and constantly tried to look for ways to talk to you, but you have avoided me. Tell me, do you hate me that much that you have to forget I exist? Can't you see how much this is hurting me? Tell me, what can I do for you to at least listen to me!?" Adrien raised his voice in anger and tugged on his blonde locks, frustrated.

"That's just it, Adrien! I have asked you for space, but you aren't giving it to me. I want space! I want to think and to move on from these damn feelings that you will never reciprocate. I need time to learn to be able to be your friend without hurting. I want to forget this damn crush I have!" Marinette yelled back as a tear fell from her eye. Adrien wanted to hug her, kiss her, and ask her not to forget him, but he stood frozen and confused. *What did she mean never reciprocate? Has she not read my texts, my letters, does she not understand I love her?*

"That's the thing, Marinette. I can't lose you! I am going crazy without you. That day, you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I never wanted to hurt you. There was more that I wanted to say! More than you needed to know. But you ran, you never gave me a chance to explain, and now you are telling me you want space, that you want to forget your crush, to forget me? No! I don't want that to happen. That's not what I want! I want a-" he was interrupted by an angry Marinette.

"You want what? My friendship? Do you want the girl who was there for you through the hard times? Let me guess? You want your cheer-up buddy? The one who stands up for you and listens? You want your tissue, only so that you can use it to wipe the tears but then throw it away when Kagami comes around? You want me there to be your last choice, your fallback plan when no one else wants you? You want me to stand there and watch you be happy with another girl while I am breaking inside while still loving you in silence? But, hey, it wouldn't matter because I am still your friend and that's all you care for, right? Well, guess what? I won't be that anymore. I refuse to be that even for the great Adrien Agreste!" With that, Marinette pushed him out of the way and walked ran out of the school.

The second Marinette was gone, Adrien fell on the ground to sob. How could she think that was all she was to him? How could Marinette not see that he was completely and utterly in love with her? Adrien no longer doubted it. He was now sure Marinette hated him. And at that second, once again, all Adrien wanted was to die. What else could he do to prove to her how much he cared? "Listen, kid. I know what you are thinking, and no, she doesn't hate you. She just wants space to get her head together. Maybe give her a few days of peace, and then she'll come back to you. Be positive she still loves you. You heard that, right?" Plagg stated, trying to calm Adrien down.

Adrien knew he was right. Marinette wanted space. Now all he could do is pray that she would come back to him if he gave her just that. Adrien just wanted her back. His life made no sense without her.


A few days passed, and then the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. Everything seemed to get worse by the minute. Slowly Marinette went removing herself from everything involving Adrien. She had even managed to switch classes and only have one with him. She started having lunch again in the school but spent all of it with Chloe and Sabrina, and now she didn't even go to their after-school hangouts. When they tricked her and lied about Adrien being there. As soon as she saw Adrien there, she would simply turn around and walk away.

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