Adrien's breaking point part 2

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 No one exactly knew what happened, but one second, Luka was leaning in to kiss Marinette, and the next, he was faintly grunting in pain, his lanky body on the ground with a crazed Adrien on top of him. Adrien had officially lost his mind. He had already been struggling but seeing Luka so close to kissing her made drove him over the edge. No one would take his princess. She belonged to him! Marinette's first kiss should be with him. He should be the one to take her out to lunch and hug her. He should be the one making her laugh. He should be the one she goes to not Luka. Luka could never love her like he did. She should be with him!

In a split second, Adrien's world had turned black. He charged towards Luka at raging speed, painfully taking him to the ground. With not even a second to react, Luka was on the ground grunting in pain, only to feel even worse pain as Adrien's fist connected to his right cheek. Time and time again, Adrien pulled back his arm, his fist lifting in the air and then throwing it forward with such force that Luka almost failed to stay conscious. Screaming was heard, kids surrounded them, but Adrien failed to notice as he was blinded by rage. Over and over again, his fist connected to Luka's face making blood splatter on the ground.

"ADRIEN, STOP!" Marinette yelled in tears. "LUKA!!!" Juleka yelled out, afraid for her brother's life. Never before has Adrien been seen fighting. As a matter of fact, he had always been the peaceful one but not today. Adrien had officially gone mad. "ADRIEN, PLEASE, STOP!" Marinette cried again, but Adrien couldn't hear her plead. He couldn't find it in him to stop. He finally got to give Luka what he deserved for coming in between him and Marinette, and he had no intentions of stopping. Adrien released every hint on ager out on his all-time rival. Every hit Adrien threw, Luka felt as if a boulder had fallen on top of him. The years of being Chat Noir had done Adrien good.

Nino and Kim were quick to rush over and try pulling Adrien of Luka. Only, Adrien came back harder than before. The teen had gotten close to pulling them apart a few times, but Adrien would manage to pull away from them, continuing his attack on Luka. One time he even jumped over them after being pulled away from the rock and roller. Luka did not even have time to defend himself. Everything happened too fast. He didn't even see it coming. After the first hit, it was over for him as Adrien didn't give him time to get up.

After a few failed attempts and a mad, Adrien pushing them off in a venture to continue his attack on Luka. Nino and Kim were able to pull him off, separating the two boys. The moment Adrien felt himself being lifted off the ground, he snapped back into reality. Panting, with his fist still clenched, he looked around to see everyone surrounding him, then he looked towards the ground and found a beat, bruised and bloody Luka on the grunting in pain. He could now hear the worried cries of Marinette and Juleka. "What the hell, dude?" Nino yelled at him. "What is wrong with you, Adrien? This isn't you, man. What is going on with you? Talk to me," Kim added, but Adrien did not speak. He was lost in thought and shocked by his own actions. But if he was being honest, it felt great to let out his frustrations on that princess stealing jerk. Juleka quickly bent down to try and help her brother while Marinette glared at Adrien with tears running down her cheeks.

Marinette wanted to scream at him, she wanted to ask him what the hell was wrong with him, to tell him to get the hell away from her, but she had no words. The shock of watching Adrien beat Luka half to death made her lose her words. She couldn't understand why Adrien did this? Did Luka do something to him? Wait, was he jealous? No! That couldn't be it. He was the one who rejected her. What was it then? Did he not want her to be happy? Did he think he was the only one who could be in a loving relationship? She couldn't understand! But at that moment, she wanted to slap him. She lifted her hand in an attempt to do so, but once again, she stood frozen. Part of her was still shocked that Adrien had been capable of hurting Luka that way.

She wanted to hate him. To turn into Ladybug, and with the strength given to her by the miraculous hurt him like he hurt Luka. But she couldn't. She was still desperately in love with him. Her heart still beats for him. After all this time avoiding him, Marinette had not stopped loving him any less. But at this moment she was angry! What the hell was he thinking? His father would surely take him out of school now. Gabriel was not one to be okay with his last name involved in this kind of situation. He would surely make Adrien pay for what he's done. She was about to scream at him, but the second their eyes met, she broke. Adrien had tears in his eyes. She could see he was hurting beyond repair. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. His eyes said everything he wanted to yell at the moment. It was clear this had all been her fault.

His eyes screamed, "I care about you, I love you, but you don't care. You're hurting me. Can't you see that I'm broken? You did this! It was you who broke me, but even then, I don't care as long as I have you." Marinette's heart ached. Words were not necessary to know how Adrien felt. His eyes could tell the story of his heart. Adrien painted, his lip quivered as he attempted to fight the tears from falling. At that moment, Marinette felt guilty. She knew she had to stop this nonsense. Things had gotten way too far, way too fast. The worst being that doing all of this did not keep her heart from loving him any less. They were both undeniably hurting. They were both in need of each other, and only she could fix it. Maybe, everyone was right, and he deserved to be heard. Just not now, not yet, she was not ready. As much as it pained her, she was sure her heart couldn't handle hearing his words.

The two teens did not need to speak. All the words they needed to know were evidently clear by the look in their eyes. They were both obviously hurting, but neither of them knew what to do about it. Neither one breaking eye contact. Both, saying what they needed to say through eye contact. But that was not enough. Many things still needed to be said. Many feelings to be confessed and many mistakes to be forgiven. But were either one ready for that? Although one thing was clear to everyone who witnessed it, the two loved each other with all their heart. Behind Adrien stood a disappointed Alya. Just hours days before, she had told Marinette that it was time to talk to him, that he was hurting, and it was time to hear him out before either of them ended up doing something they would regret, and things ended up broken beyond repair, but she didn't want to listen. If only she would have listened. Now it was most likely too late. Well, that's if she didn't have any say in this. But she will because now she would call for backup.

Marinette broke eye contact as she heard Juleka sob, "someone help me, please." She quickly looked down to see a bruise and bloody Luka. Luka looked like he was in bad shape. He was barely moving. Marinette worried about his well-being. It was obvious that the guitar player needed a doctor, and fast. Forgetting Adrien's eyes were on her, she quickly bent down to help Juleka pick Luka up from the floor. "Omg, Luka, are you okay? I am so sorry. Let's get you some help," Marinette cried. Adrien's heart broke even more. Once again, she had picked Luka over him. He began to believe he will never be as important as Luka was to her.

Marinette and Adrien made eye contact for a few seconds before Adrien looked at the boy in her arms. He looked at Marinette one last time before pulling away from Nino and Kim's hold on him and walking through the big group of students who had crowded around them, trying to see the fight. He wanted to escape the eyes that were on him before he broke into tears. Only to come face to face with a disappointed Ms. Bustier and Mr. Damocles, who were quick to bring him inside the school and into Mr. Damocles's office.

As Adrien entered the office, he couldn't help but let his tears fall. He knew what this meant, his father would soon find out, but he didn't care. Marinette and Luka had broken him, and he no longer cared what happened to him. If Marinette had moved on and wanted nothing to do with him, then he no longer had a reason to attend school, to be in Paris, or to live. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. He had hoped to get Marinette to forgive him, but he knew he had messed up. Now she will always hate him, and that thought alone was enough to turn Adrien into a sobbing mess.

Normally, Adrien wouldn't cry in front of other people, let alone with his teachers, but he didn't care anymore. Adrien couldn't care what anyone thought of him. He was sick of acting like a role model. What did that ever get him? Nothing! It got him nothing. What was the worst that can happen? He was sure that there was nothing else that could go wrong today since Hawkmoth seemed to have taken a break so he wouldn't undergo any more pain, right? Wrong! What Adrien didn't know was that someone had seen the whole thing. From the second, Luka had arrived at the school till the second, Adrien, was pulled inside the office. She saw it all, and she was not happy. 

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