The fight for love

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"I- I can't," Tom responded coldly.

Adrien felt his entire world come crashing down. He said no, Mr. Dupain-Cheng refused to give him his blessing. Adrien couldn't understand why. What had he done wrong? He loved Marinette with all his heart, and they knew that. What was so wrong with him that her parents refused to give him their blessing? He thought they like him? 

They had always made him feel like he was part of the family. Many times they had told him they loved him like a son, so what changed? Adrien felt his eyes water. Confused, he looked into Tom's eyes in search of an answer. Adrien needed an explanation as to why they refuse. It was so unfair. After all, they have been through, and how hard he has fought for her, they say no? Had he fought this hard for nothing? Would they really keep him away from her?

Sabine looked at Tom in shock. She also had not expected his answer. They had spoken about Adrien many times before. Even after the unfortunate events, they hope he would fix his mistakes and be with their daughter. They always believed the teens were destined to be together. Wasn't that the point of the school project plan? She was confused, that was until she looked up at him. Upon looking at his face and into his eyes, Sabine knew exactly what her husband was trying to do. He was testing Adrien. He wanted to see how far the model would go for their little girl. Tom wanted to see just how true his love was for Marinette.

Adrien felt pain and anger rise inside him. He refused to let this go without an explanation, and he would be damn if he didn't put up a fight. Adrien would fight for love. He would fight for Marinette. Whether they liked it or not! "Why?" He asked in a low but stern voice impressing Tom. 

"Adrien, listen-" Sabine began, but before she could continue, Adrien interrupted her. "With all due respect, Mr. And Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, but I don't need excuses, I need an explanation. I don't understand what I have done for you to refuse to allow me to date your daughter." Adrien was angry he needed a reason, and it better be a good one. "I love her, and I would give up my life if it meant I would save hers, so explain to me, why can't I be with her?"

"I don't need to give you a reason, you asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. I am okay with you being friends but dating my daughter is too much," Tom replied, purposely adding the word friends for all the time Adrien called his daughter a friend himself. That was the moment Adrien lost his cool. 

"Fuck friends! I can't be just her damn friend anymore. She is my future, my life, my all, and I refuse to leave here without your blessing. I love your daughter. I have proven that time and time again, I fought like hell this past three months to earn her love, and I'd be damned if you take her away from me now!" Tom was impressed with the length that Adrien would go for his daughter. No one had ever stood up to him. He never doubted that Adrien was the one for Marinette, but he also needed to make sure he was serious about her. They were only teens, after all.

"I need a reason, Tom," Adrien spat out his name in such anger it almost frightened the giant. Sabine smiled. She knew Adrien would fight for her daughter's love. Sabine never had any doubt in her mind he would, and Sabine didn't expect any less of him. Ever since the first time he walked into their home, she knew they were soulmates. The way their eyes sparkled when they looked at each other proved just that. During that time, Adrien might not have realized it yet, but Sabine knew he was madly in love with her daughter.

"Don't raise your voice at me! The answer is no!" Tom replied, faking anger in his voice. He wanted to laugh. Tom wanted to roll on the floor and laugh until he couldn't breathe anymore, but he had to see just how far Adrien would go. Therefore he brought his acting skills out and kept his straight face. Adrien, on the other hand, had mixed emotions. He knew he had gone a bit far and could be classified as disrespectful towards the Dupain-Cheng's, but he couldn't help himself. Adrien felt as the world was going against him. 

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