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Gabriel Agreste paced back and forth in his home office. "M'lady and Kitty" were definitely the nicknames used by Chat Noir and Ladybug. "Maybe they are just fans but, the earings were similar, and he once wondered about the ring his son always wore. Gabriel thought back and remembered that Marinette had been seen with the man who was the guardian at some point. That couldn't be a coincidence. Now the real question was if this were true, would he capitalize on this or move on as promised?

Gabriel felt perplexed. If the teens were indeed Paris's own superheroes, he had a chance to steal their miraculous while they slept, but at the same time, did he even want to do that? Both Natalie and Adrien would be so disappointed in him if he did.

Not being able to stop looking into it, Gabriel began to compare pictures of the teens' side by side to their superhero's persona. They matched perfectly, but this could be another coincidence. Right? I mean, there could be a lot of kids that looked close. He had to be wrong! 

He remembers Adrien being in the same place as Chat Noir. How could he be in two different places at once? But, what if his son was really Chat Noir? He had continuously placed his son in danger over and over again.

Gabriel turned to face his wife's picture with tears in his eyes. Oh, how he missed her. Gabriel really did love her more than anything else in this world. She was his life. He wouldn't be here if not for her. She was the reason he became the great Gabriel Agreste. The reason he worked so hard every day.

That second, Natalie entered his office, holding on to her table to make him aware of the changes in the schedule. Sir, the photoshoot that you scheduled for today was postponed to tomorrow due to the rain. Also, the investors are asking for a meeting regarding his chances to the new fall line. Will you like me to schedule a time for the meeting? Gabriel had not heard her coming in since his mind was with Emily. 

Natalie's heart broke upon the sight. Gabriel would never move on. He loved Emily too much to give his heart to her. She will never be able to compete with the ghost of Emily. She wanted to scream to tell him that, unlike Emily, she was alive and ready to love him, but deep inside, she knew it was no use.

For the first time in weeks, her smile vanished. Fighting the tears that formed in her eyes, she cleared her throat. Gabriel had been startled by the sound of her voice. He knew she would misunderstand the situation. Quickly Gabriel cleaned the tears from his cheeks and eyes before turning around. Gabriel turned to see a sight he hadn't seen in weeks. 

Before him stood the old Natalie. The one that hid her emotions and was just as cold as he was or at least pretended to be. "Sorry to bother you, sir. I am here to inform you of the changes in your and Adrien's schedule, but I see that you are extremely busy. Therefore, I will leave this here so you can revise it. Excuse me." Natalie stated as she places the tablet on his desk.

"Natalie, I-" For the first time in his life, Mr. Agreste was cut off by Natalie. "No need, Mr. Agreste, it was my fault for not knocking, but everything is all too clear for me." She replied coldly, walking out of the office. Gabriel felt goosebumps and not the good kind. Once again, he messed everything up with his crazy obsession. Yes, Gabriel loved his wife and missed her dearly, but the truth was that Adrien was right. His wife would never forgive him for causing so much harm to Paris for her, and truth be told, he was happy with Natalie. He had begun to love her a while back. She was so much like both Emily and himself. She was amazing.

But somehow, he had messed up. "All is clear?" What did she even mean? He had not done anything. All he did was think? Gabriel let more tears fall as he sat in his chair with his hands in covering his face. Everything seemed to go wrong. He didn't understand why he had such bad luck when it came to love. First, he loses his real love and wife, then fails miserably in bringing her back, and now he loses the woman who was making him feel again.

Me without you-MLBΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα