A plan and a misunderstanding

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After that depressing week, Gabriel Agreste had indeed had enough. He had promised Adrien not to meddle in his love life more than what was asked of him, but he couldn't bear to see his son in pain. Adrien had become suicidal. Just the night before last, Gabriel walked in on Adrien with a knife in his hand, ready to cut himself, and it broke him. Gabriel could still remember his son's painful words."Why? Why did you stop me? Can't you see I don't have a reason to live anymore? I don't want to live anymore, father, not without her. Let me do it. Let me die!"

Gabriel remembers prying the blade off his son's hand and pulling the sobbing boy into a hug. "Don't say that Adrien, you are so important to me. I can't lose you too. Please promise me you won't do this again?" Gabriel said as his voice cracked. For the first time in his almost 15 years of existence, Adrien saw his father in tears. Gabriel Agreste did not cry. Well, at least he didn't allow anyone to see him cry. Not until now. What Adrien didn't know, was that there was a time in Gabriel's life where he too felt the same pain Adrien was feeling. The first few months after his wife's death was the most depressing months of his life.

See, Adrien remembers his father shutting down, turning cold, and pushing him away, but what he didn't know that was Gabriel had also gone through suicidal thoughts, cut himself many times, and would have been dead a total of three times if it wasn't for Natalie there to stop him. Gabriel hated that his son was feeling this way. He was about to speak again when Adrien mumbled something that brought shivers down his spine. "It hurts, father. It really does. I- I love her so much. Being without her, seeing her, and not being able to speak to her, or feel her warmth, feels worse than death. It hurts more than when my mother was gone. If I can't be with her, at least let me be with mom."

Gabriel's jaw dropped, and he shivered at his son's words. Not because he felt anger that his son said being without Marinette, hurt more than losing his mother. As a matter of fact, he understood that perfectly as he felt the same when Emily left him, but because it was as if the story was almost repeating itself. Losing the love of his life, attempting suicide, becoming cold and distant, what would be next causing destruction, and believing that a wish could fix that? No, he could not allow that to happen! His son could not make the same mistakes he once did. He refused to let it happen. He had to fix this, he had to do it now, and Gabriel knew just how to do it, but he would need to call help.

That night after watching his son fall asleep, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Grabbing his son's phone, he wrote down a few contact information for some much-needed helpers and saved it to his own cell phone. One by one, messages were sent, and soon a group chat began was created. You could imagine the shocked faces of those involved as Gabriel Agreste, best known as the cold and evil father, was messaging them worried for his son. Not long after, a plan had been set in motion. Now it was up to Gabriel to take the first step. And that was to talk to the Dupain- Chengs.

After speaking on the phone for a few minutes, both teen's parents decided to meet up. After a long conversation and Gabriel breaking down once or twice as he talked about his son, the Dupain-Chengs decided it was time to help. They both loved Adrien like a son. Even though he made mistakes and cause their daughter pain, they knew only Adrien had the power to make their daughter happy again. So you can imagine their worry after hearing of the depression and suicide attempts Adrien had been experiencing? They couldn't help but wonder if their daughter was going through the same thing and did not tell them about it. They agreed quickly and set the next part of the plan in motion.

"Time to put an end to the pain."


The second Marinette heard who her partner she began to internally panic. She had spent almost three months making the mistake of avoiding Adrien, causing them both so much pain. It was only two days ago that she realized how dumb she had been and decided to find a way to fix things, but that was just it. Marinette still hadn't thought about how to fix it. She thought about it all night, and none of her apologies or actions would be good enough.

Marinette needed a few more days, but now she was literally being forced to spend all week with him starting tonight. She was not ready yet. She could already see herself messing up worse and destroying everything once and for all. She wanted nothing more than to fix their relationship but had no idea how to do it. After months of putting him through pure torture, he deserved one hell of an apology, but how would she do it now? The stress of having to do it now was eating her alive.

If only she had a few more days. If only she could think oh how to get more time. 'Okay, that's it. I have to ask Mrs. Bustier,' she thought to herself. Hopefully, Adrien wouldn't take this the wrong way. She honestly still wants to be with him, but she wants to do it the right way. She wants to show him how much she wants to fix this by coming to him herself and on her own time, not because they were forced together for a project. Adrien deserved better than that.

After believing all her classmates had exited the classroom, Marinette walked over to where Mrs. Bustier stood. She wanted to ask for her help and hopefully be able to exchange her partner. After being asked how she could be helped, Marinette nervously began to speak. "It's about my partner. I was wondering if we could maybe change it? Umm, what I mean is- is there a possibility to exchange my partner. It's just this is an important project, and I don't think we would work well together. I would like- like..." Marinette was interrupted by her teacher.

At first, Mrs. Busitier was taken back by Marinette's request. Especially, since it was coming from Marinette. Her very own class representative. Marinette had never asked to change partners before, even when she had to work with her past bully and now friend Chloe. Mrs. Busier couldn't believe it. Of course, she knew Marinette and Adrien were having some problems, but how bad were they if Marinette really requested a partner exchange.

Mrs.Bustier wished she could help her star student. Marinette was not one to complain, so if she did, then things were actually bad, but she couldn't. Now more than ever, she agreed the plan must go on. Gabriel Agreste himself contacted the Dupain-Chengs, and after having a long heartfelt conversation with them, they united and contacted both the school and Mrs. Bustier. And though they did not go through all the details, they managed to convince the school. Originally, the school thought the project itself was a good idea, but that is not why they agreed. The reason the school agreed to help was because of Mr. Agreste himself. It was no secret that Mr. Agreste was a very powerful man. Therefore, the school was not really given much of a choice, but to agree to help.

As Marinette spoke, Mrs. Bustiers' eyes landed on a certain green-eyed blonde that stood sadly behind the girl in pigtails. She saw as his smile fell, and his eyes began to water as his jaw trembled. Making eye contact, Adrien shook his head as if he was asking her not to say he was in the room. Her heart broke for him, she was still not sure what had happened, but she knew that had to help them fix this.

Feeling bad for Adrien and having heard enough, Mrs. Bustier decided to interrupt Marinette. "I am sorry, Marinette, but as I stated before, the partners were chosen that way for a reason and can not and will not be changed. Even if I wanted to help, all of your parents have already been informed and have agreed. Good luck, now, if you would excuse me, I really must go." Being pregnant, Mrs. Bustier had her hormones all over the place. Therefore, she could not handle the emotions in the room. Attempting to escape before she broke down herself, Mrs. Bustier proceeded to walk out of the room.

Marinette sighed in disappointment. How will she fix things with him if she didn't so much as have time to think of a good apology. Lost in thought. Marinette still failed to notice the blonde model that stood behind her, clutching tightly to his bag strap, trying not to break down and cry. Every time that he thought things could change. Marinette managed to kick him back down to reality and assure him that it will never happen. That was until he couldn't handle it anymore and spoke out.

"You know, I am aware that I hurt you, and you have every right to be mad at me for it, but I think you have gotten back at me enough already. I understand your past actions, but at this point, this is just low." 

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