Forgiveness and Blessings

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Alya laughed upon reading Adrien's messages. Oh, the irony of it all. He had been using the word "FRIEND" for years, and now he is the one refusing to hear it. Don't get her wrong she is happy that things are changing for her best friends, but this was something to definitely laugh about. It's incredible how the word can make things turn quickly. Now, she wasn't sure exactly what had happened for Adrien to get worked up this way, but surely Nino would tell her soon. Nevertheless, she is proud of the strong woman her best friend had become, and Alya had come up with the best plan in history. Marinette would have a date to remember.

Nino had just gotten off the phone with Adrien. He had never heard his friend so worked up in his life. Even after Marinette had made it clear that it was a misunderstanding, Adrien couldn't help but still feel angry. He was just so afraid to lose her. Adrien had originally called Nino to see if he and Alya would want to hang out with them, considering they haven't seen each other in days, but as soon as Nino asked him how it was going with Marinette, he blew.

Adrien had been Jealous of Cole. He hated the possibility of Marinette being around any other man that was not him. The jealous cat wanted her to be his and only his. Adrien was scared to lose her, and for some reason, part of him still believed he was not good enough or worthy of her. He had to make it official. Adrien couldn't sleep at night, knowing that for right now, Marinette was just his friend.

For the love of God, he loved her, and she said she loved him. Why couldn't that be enough? But Adrien believed it wasn't. She had said she loved him many times in the short time together, and he did not doubt it for one second. Adrien believed her words were honest. He felt it in her kisses and the way she held to him at night, but it was not enough. Not for either of them. 

Marinette, too wondered why Adrien had not asked her to be his girlfriend, and although he would give her jealousy seems and tell her that he loves her constantly, she has had trouble being sure of herself. Was she still not enough? If she was then, why not ask her to at least go on a date? Adrien needed the title of hers as bad as he wanted her to be called his. He knew what he wanted in his future. Adrien wanted her. He wanted for her to become his wife as soon as graduation came.

 Adrien wished to model her designs, defeat Hawkmoth, and have a family with her. He wanted for them to have their happily ever after. Adrien loved being Chat Noir, but he no longer really felt the need for him. He loved the feeling of freedom and love, but he had that now, and soon if Lord willing, he would have his lady forever.

Unfortunately, he would have to wait a few more days. Alya had an amazing plan, but unfortunately for him, he would have to wait. For now, he would make sure to win Marinette's love more and more until there is no more doubt in his heart that she was his and all his.


For the following days, Marinette and Adrien had been inseparable. They worked on their school's project until it was perfect. They would play video games and cuddle as if he was they had been a couple for years. They knew each other so well, even to the point of knowing their likes and dislikes. Not that Marinette didn't know that already. Everyone knew she had been obsessed with the model for years, but what they didn't know was the model secretly paid attention to Marinette as well. Marinette could not believe how well Adrien knew her. She never noticed how much he had paid attention to her. He too had learned of her likes and dislikes.

At first, she thought it was his adoration for Ladybug that was the reason he knew her so well, but as time went by, she noticed how much he knew the real her. There were things only Marinette's real friends would know about her, and yet he knew it all. Maybe, just maybe, he did love her from day one, as he stated. Now more than ever, she was starting to believe that.

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