The lie

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"He already has," Marinette stated coldly. She was angry. She didn't care to hear any explanations. There were no explanations for this. There were only excuses. Marinette knew that the second she decided to listen to Adrien's so-called explanations, she would only receive dumb excuses and more hurtful words. Maybe, everyone else would say she is overreacting, that his words were not really hurtful. And maybe, she was, and they weren't, but when you love someone with all your heart, that you are willing to give up your life for them, hearing them say you are just a friend hurts. Yeah, it hurts like hell.

It hurts worse than anything in the world. Marinette was not ready to talk to him, and she won't be for quite a while. Don't get her wrong, deep inside, the young bluenette didn't hate him. I mean, she was angry, but hating him was something she couldn't do. Although it would be a lie if she didn't admit she kept telling herself she did, so it would be easier to avoid the want of speaking to him.

"Marinette, we have always been friends. I know my bro messed up, but don't you think that's a little harsh. I mean, you won't even let him explain himself," Nino spoke confidently, trying to bring the old Marinette back. He was not positive of what she was thinking, but it was clear that this hurt Marinette was a different Marinette from a few hours ago. It was as if with every tear she dropped, the warmness and sweetness of her heart disappeared.

"Nino!" Alya hissed. Okay, maybe she knew her boyfriend has a point, and ending years of friendship is not the best solution, but she understood exactly what her best friend was feeling, and if she wanted to have time, she should be able to receive just that. A broken heart is not something that can be easily fixed, and neither Nino nor Adrien should expect her to be okay that soon. Marinette couldn't just be Adrien's friend again and watch him be all happy and in love with someone else while she is dying inside.

"No, Als, she needs to hear this! Adrien made a mistake, and he knows that, but there is more to it than what you both know, and he wants to be the one who speaks of it. Yes, there are things that he could have done differently, but he is human, and we all make mistakes. You can't tell me you haven't. Unfriending and hurting him without so much as even giving him a chance to speak is wrong, and it's not you, Marinette. You have always been kind and caring to everyone, and he has tried to be the same.

"Don't you think he deserves to be heard? Just give him a chance to explain everything he deserves that much. I know right now, you are mad at him. I also know that you feel hurt, and you have a right to be. But there is something we both know as well. We both know that deep inside, when the day comes to an end, you still care for him and will always love him. Why submerge you both in a world of hurt and pain when you could just hear him out. Let him talk, please, if not for him then for us, for our group, and our friendship." Alya stood surprised at the confidence and intelligence of her boyfriend. She had never seen Nino act like this, and if she is honest, this only made her love him more.

Marinette sighed. She knew Nino was right, but she was too hurt right now. Her friends believe that she is strong, but the truth of the matter is, she isn't. When it comes to her feelings and emotions, she is as weak as could be. Talking to Adrien could either make her feel better or completely crush her to the verge of destruction. She was not ready, not yet. Marinette knew that she didn't want to completely unfriend Adrien, but she was certain she wanted space.

Marinette knew that if she said no, her friends would continue to pester her until she agreed. Then they would do something crazy like call Adrien to come over, and she was not ready to see him. Well, Alya would probably understand, but not Nino. Based on his speech, it was clear he was on his best friend's side. Marinette knew him all too well, and when he wanted something, he would make it happen. So she did what she believed she needed to do. She lied.

Me without you-MLBHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin