The date

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***Long and romantic chapter ahead***

Marinette woke up to missing the warmth of Adrien's arms. The sound of Tikki munching on a cookie beside her and the delicious smell of eggs and bacon. It was coming from the side and lingered in the air. As she opened her eyes, she gasped at the sight. Before stood Adrien holding a tray with breakfast and a red rose in hand. 

"Breakfast, princess?" Adrien said with a bright smile

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"Breakfast, princess?" Adrien said with a bright smile. Marinette flushed bright red. Adrien made it so difficult for her not to love him. 'God, does he have to be so damn perfect?' Marinette asked herself while sitting up in bed. "Thank you, kitty. But can I ask what is all this about?" Adrien smiled, placing the tray on her lap and kissing her cheek. "No reason, princess, I just wanted to surprise you."

Marinette looked into Adrien's eyes and saw them sparkle brighter than they ever had before. Anyone who saw them right now would swear they were actual emeralds. But there was something else projecting in them, nervousness. "Kitty, I know you. I can see in your eyes you are hiding something. You can tell me anything, Adrien."

Adrien nodded, lifting his hand and stretching the back of his neck, with a nervous smile. "Actually, princess, I was hoping that you would do me the honor and allow me to take you on a date tonight." Marinette felt her cheeks go warm, indicating the blush that now coated them. She couldn't believe it. The love of her life just asked her on a date. She wanted to jump up and down and scream with joy, but she held it in. "Of course, kitty, I thought you would never ask," she replied with a smile. "Thank you, princess. I have to leave for the day for photoshoots, but Gorilla will take you to the bakery, and I will pick you up at 7:00 pm for our date" Adrien started holding on to her hand and placing a kiss on the knuckles.


Marinette called her best friend, freaking out, pacing back and forth in her bedroom. Gorilla had dropped her off back home an hour ago, and she had not stopped freaking out about the date ever since.

Marinette- Alya, I need you.

Alya- Calm down, girl. What's wrong?

Mari- Adrien asked me on a date! I don't know what to wear, what to say, or what to even do with my hair. Help me, please.

Alya- Be there in 5

Alya arrived within 5 minutes as promised. Truth be told, she was expecting Marinette's call. Adrien was with her just minutes ago, making sure everything had been set up perfectly. He wanted her to see just how much he loved her. Alya had to admit the boy had pulled out all the stops. She had given him an idea, but Adrien had transformed it into something brilliant. Alya did not doubt Adrien truly loved Marinette.

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