Hating Ladybug

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After a long and much-needed talk, tears, and hugs, Adrien finally falls into a deep sleep. Now knowing somewhat what had happened between his son and Ms. Dupain-Cheng, Gabriel decides to think of a way to fix it and make it up to his son. He knows it's partly his fault as he did push Adrien to have a relationship with Ms. Tsurugi. At that time, Gabriel did not know his son has his eyes set on a different target. Gabriel felt guilty. Adrien was right. He didn't know because he never took the time to talk to his son or pay him any attention. Gabriel clearly remembers his son asking for his opinion after taking the time to make Ms. Dupian-Cheng a charm bracelet himself. Or how excited he was to be wearing her derby hat that day. That right there should have been enough, but he was always a terrible father.

After a few minutes of watching his son sleep, Gabriel returned to his office to continue working. Well, that's what everyone thought. The truth is that he was thinking of a way to bring Adrien and Ms. Dupain-Cheng together. Having a few ideas, he quickly wrote them down and began to get to work. After he had finished writing everything down and getting this first idea started, he turned to look at the painting of his wife. "I promise to make him happy, my love. I will be the father you believed I could be. I will always miss and love you, darling."


Adrien woke up a few hours later by a small hand slapping him in the face. He opened his eyes and saw two glowing green eyes staring back at him. "Ouch, Plagg, leave me alone," he whined. "Get up, kid, it's time for patrol," Plagg calls out. "No!" Adrien answers coldly. "Adrien, come on, your lady is waiting." Plagg knew that the second he mentioned Ladybug, his holder would jump out of bed. Except, this time, he didn't.

Adrien then glared at his kwami. He hated that he mentioned her. In fact, during this time in his life, Adrien wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. He was slowly convincing himself that it was her fault and that he hated her. Of course, deep inside, he knew it was not her fault he is in this mess.

In reality, Ladybug had made it clear that she was in love with someone else and he should move on, but his heart did not let him. It was not Ladybug's fault he had fallen for her. It was not her fault he was blinded by that love that he failed to realize Marinette had always been there loving him for afar. It was not Ladybug's fault at all, but he didn't care.

He found it easier to blame her than to take the blame himself. He believed that if she had not crashed into him that day and been super brave and adorable, he would have never fallen madly in love with her. She just had to come in acting as the hero and trapping him under her spell. If she had let him down completely, without later giving him nicknames, or hugging him, or even kissing him to break that spell, he would have been over the crush.

Maybe, just maybe, if she would have only agreed to appear when necessary instead of having them patrol together late at night, he would have been okay, but no, she just had to be in control, making him fall more and more in love with her. During these painful times, Adrien believed it was her fault. And he would hate her for that.

"She is not M'Lady anymore, Plagg, and I do not wish to see her. She ruined my life," Adrien replied as his eyes filled with anger. He couldn't believe he called her his lady. If anyone should have had that nickname, it should have been his princess. "Listen, kid, we both know that is not true, and I know that you are angry, but you can't blame this all on her. But even if it was, you are still Chat Noir. You were the chosen one, it is you who Master Fu picked to be her partner and protect Paris, and you should do just that." Plagg answered, annoyed.

Plagg wanted to slap Adrien back to reality. Of course, he has seen this before. He is not the first holder that has screwed up before. But he was by far the densest of them all. Plagg wanted to scream at him, to tell him, "wake the hell up, you were always in love with the same girl. If you decide on hating Ladybug, then you are hating Marinette. You are both so dumb, only hurting each other in this love square." But of course, he couldn't do that, which is why he was so upset over this. If only the kid would have listened to him and picked cheese instead of girls. It was more delicious and never fought back.

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