The final Goodbye

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 "I- I can't do this anymore. I can't keep waiting for you to realize that I always loved you. I can't keep leaving without you. I can't keep living with this pain. You want me out of your life so badly, then fine, you got it." Adrien cried, frustrated. Refusing to waste another second. Adrien ran out of the classroom and into the locker rooms, leaving Marinette a sobbing mess. 

It was not the silence that really killed him. It was the fact that she didn't kiss him back. He hoped that her lips would tell him a different story or that the kiss would reassure him that she indeed loved him. Maybe assure him that they could be at the beginning of a new and better chapter of their lives, but he got nothing from her. No response. And it hurt like hell.

Marinette fell to her knees and cried like a baby. She didn't say anything. Why didn't she speak? She wanted to tell him that she was sorry. Tell him that she messed up before, but she wished to fix it. Marinette hoped to confess to him that she loved him with all her heart, and she wanted a new beginning, but she said nothing. He was right. Everything he just said was the truth. 

She broke her promise. She had been too caught up in her own feelings and failed to be the friend she had promised him she would be. Adrien was hurt and broken, and only she was to blame for this. Then when she had the chance to apologize, she let fear get the best of her and said nothing.

At that second, she despised herself more than she despised people loving her alter ego. She felt like she was worse than Lila. At least Lila knew she was a liar and accepted it, but she didn't. She was too caught up in caring about herself to care that she had broken a promise and lied.

That was the reason she didn't want to talk to him yet. She knew she wasn't ready. Marinette knew she would mess up, she saw it coming, and it did. She had screwed up badly. "He kissed me! Adrien Agreste kissed me, and I didn't kiss back! I'm so stupid. Why didn't I kiss him back?" She yelled, pulling on her pigtails in anger.

Worried for her holder Tikki flew out in an attempt to comfort her. "Tikki, I messed up. I messed up so bad. That is what I was scared would happen, and it did," she cried out. Tikki flew to her cheek and hugged it cleaning her tears. "He s-said he would be out of my life. Tikki, help me. What do I do?"

"Marinette, breathe. You can still fix this. I believe in you. First, calm down. Then get up and talk to him, actually talk to him and tell him everything. Don't be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of, Adrien loves you, and you love him. Just fix this."

"You're right, Tikki. Thank you" Marinette smiled appreciatively, wiping her tears. Let's go look for him."


Adrien couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want him, she despised him, he kissed her, and she did nothing! She didn't respond to his kiss, just as she didn't respond to his words. She was probably disgusted with him and never want to see him again, and he can't live with that. He can't live without her. He won't live without her. So if she doesn't want to see him, fine, she won't see him ever again. It saves him from more misery anyways.

Adrien was sick of his life. He had every intention of doing what he had tried to do before his father stopped him. Except, this time, Gabriel would not be able to stop him. He was ready to end it. Ready to end it once and for all, but first, Adrien had one last letter to write. He would let her know just how much he loved her. The hero would tell her that if he chose to do this, it was not only for him but also for her happiness. He would do it just for her.

As he poured his heart out for one last time, Plagg flew up, reading the letter from behind him. He let out a gasp as he realized what his holder was planning on doing. "Kid, you're not thinking about doing what I think you're going to do?" Plagg said worriedly.

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