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Status: Unedited

Published: April 14, 2021

"I'mma see more of this anime junk, it seems pretty cool." Y/n said to herself as she opened her Netflix account on her TV in her bed room. Senku yawned and took off his shoes, putting them next to the opening of the shed. "Hm? Anime?" Y/n nodded as she saw a volleyball anime. She raised a brow. "Haikyuu?" Senku chuckled. "So you're gonna watch a volleyball anime? Interesting..." Y/n scoffed and played Season 1 Episode 1. "Of course it's interesting, I wanna find out about it." Senku unrolled his sleeping station and laid down. "Sure... Just don't wake me up, ok? My knuckles hurt."

Y/n's forehead creased. "What happened?" Senku sighed and looked at his bandaged fists. "Remember last time? When you were talking to me while you're getting bullied?" Y/n nodded with a hum. Senku smirked. "I was so worried about you that I punched a tree." Y/n fell from her bed. Senku heard her groan. "What's wrong?" "You did what now? You punched a damn tree?" Senku nodded with a hum as Y/n sighed. She wanted to flick Senku's forehead right now because of how dumb he was of hurting himself.

She sighed and got back up to her bed. "A tall wall looms over me..." She heard as she turned her head to the TV to see feet in volleyball shoes. She smiled. "Huh... Well, I'm tired as fuck and I want to have rest now, so good night, you Dumb Scientist." "Can you stop calling me tha-" She was cut off by a head ache. She sighed and rubbed her temples. She paid attention to the TV, seeing a boy with Tangerine-like hair. She smiled.

"Damn, I might start playing volleyball after I finish this anime." She told herself as she sat on her bed while watching the series.


Y/n's eyes we're blood shot red for not sleeping at night, she ended up finishing Season 1 and 2 of the Haikyuu!! series. "Y/n! Time to do your cho-" Y/n fell down on the bed, not even bothering to turn off the TV and falling into a deep sleep. "Y/n? Hey wake u-" Mona entered her room to see her on her bed with her remote in her hand, all kinds of snack wrappers on her trash can. The TV playing the Haikyuu!! outro as Y/n's hair covered her face. Mona smiled and took the remote from her  hand, turning off the TV and walking out her room, turning off the lights.

"Maybe she stayed up all night, that's unusual." She chuckled as she brought their used clothes in the washing machine. Senku woke up after Y/n fell asleep, wondering why she didn't contact him already. "Oi, Y/n. You awake?" He asked as his voice traveled in her mind, she didn't care, she was sleeping. Senku shrugged and carried the twigs to the furnace. "Sounds like she's still asleep, that's weird, she usually starts her morning at 8 am... I got a feeling that she didn't even sleep last night. You idiot of a Scientist." He chuckled as he threw in the twigs he picked up and cracked his knuckles.

He sighed. "Your birthday is only 1 week and 6 days from now on. I wanna give you a gift, but I can't even give it to you... You said you like writing, am I right?" He waited as if talking to Y/n but no response. He sighed as he recalled their last conversation. He smirked. "I'm bad at these type of things, but I'll still do it. Let's just hope that you won't explode." He walked to the shed and picked up a pen and a piece of paper.

Sure, Senku can solve the world's most hardest Math problem, but he can never read girls that easily...

He started scribbling down on his piece of paper. He ended up writing a poem about Science. He doesn't deem it good so he crumpled it up. He chewed on his pen. "What the hell could I just write? I don't wanna make it sound like a love letter, she might think of me as a weirdo." He told himself as he realized what he'd just said. "It's not like I'm in love with her, right? I still haven't even seen her." He blushed. "But still, even if I get to see her, it's not like I'm going to fall in love with her right away."

He groaned and laid his head on the table. "I give up, I'll just greet her a happy birthday or something... Sorry, Y/n, I'm just too shy, I guess. Some Scientist I am." He laughed and got up.  "Well, better think of something before her birthday comes. Maybe... Imprint a message on the moon? Nah, that's too cheesy, I make it sound like we're lovers or som- we are not lovers!" He told himself. "Who's not lovers?" Senku sighed.

"Me and Y/n-" "Dumbass, of course we aren't." Senku flinched at the groggy voice in his head. "Ouch, I regret that. I just hurt my own feelings." y/n giggled and sighed into her pillow. "It's a good thing you're awake, you Dumb Scientist. How does it feel to not sleep at night?" He giggled as Y/n groaned. "Shut up, I'm still sleeping... You talk too much I even have to stop you." He blushed.

'Fuck, she heard all what I said?!' " Just let me sleep, at least disconnect when you're talking to yourself. And I don't want anything for my birthday, thanks for your efforts anyway..." His heart aches at her words. He clutched his chest. 'Why the hell is it hurting so much?!' "You gonna stay quiet like that? Then I'll go to back to sleep, now..." "Wait! Would it be too cheesy if... I recited a poem for you instead? Not like I like you or something." Y/n's face scrunched up and held her chest. "You son of a bitch, quit making me cry..." "Huh?" "Hakdog."

Senku gritted his teeth as his face was red. He sighed. "Sure, do whatever you want, now let me sleep." They disconnected as Senku now knew what to do. He smirked and chewed his pen...

"Yeah, right. Sleep well, you dumbass."

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