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Status: Unedited

Published: April 15, 2021

"What? To where?" Everyone asked as Senku drew on the dirt. "Here. We'll be going here, I'll be bringing everyone here because I trust everyone. But if you have any objections about tagging along, come and tell me right away. Any more questions?" Everyone tilted their heads to the side. Senku sighed and decided to tell them the truth. "I was given a mission, coming from someone named Tyler, to head to the center of the Philippines for an important duty." "Who is this Tyler guy?! Where is he?!"

Senku sighed at Magma's voice. "He's someone tha-" He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Tyler in white clothes, looking at him with a warm smile. "I'll explain. Can you translate?" Senku nodded as the villagers looked at the unknown man, some of them all fully alert on what might happen to their leader in the hands of an unknown man. "I am Tyler, and I am the one who asked him to go to the Philippines." Senku sighed and stuck his pinky in his ear. "This man is Tyler, the guy I've been telling you about. He told me to go to the Philippines and search for another Scientist. I've actually been itching to meet her already, we've known each other for a month now..." Chrome perked up at the mention of a Scientist. "Woah! There's another Scientist other than us?! Amazing!"

Ginro smiled devilishly and attempted to tease Senku. "Oh? Who is this girl? Do you love her? How old is she? Does she have big boo-" "Yeah, I admit, I love Y/n." Senku admitted with no hesitation which made the villagers shocked. "E-Eh?!" Kohaku didn't expect Senku to fall in love with anyone, knowing that he thinks those things didn't seem to matter for him.

Yet, a girl he still hasn't even met is the one he fell in love with. "We need to go there at once but not before delivering the phone to the Tsukasa Empire. We'll finish this task first so we'll be guaranteed that no more blood will be shed before we go find Y/n, is that alright?" Tyler nodded and smiled. The villagers didn't understand a thing, but Gen smirked. Teasing... That's the only thing he had in mind as Tyler walked behind a tree and disperses into sand.

Senku pointed at Gen, Magma and Chrome. "You three, we need you to deliver the phone to the Big Oaf and Yuzuriha. We also need to make fake explosives and lead Homura away from their departure, we'll be making fake bombs from a Deer's bladder. We better hurry up and get to work so we'll be having more time making the ship." Suika looked at their surroundings. "What about that Tyler guy? Where is he?" Senku shrugged and rubbed his nape. "From the looks of it, maybe he was from another country, but knowing his accent, he's probably from North America."

Gen nodded and dragged Magma and Chrome with him to the shed. During put a hand on Senku's shoulder. He looked at her. "Was that why you we're acting all strange lately? Because of that mission you were given?" Senku nodded as Ruri smiled. "Don't worry, we're sure that you'll be able to meet the girl you love." Senku looked away, hiding his blush. "Don't say it like that, it's embarrassing." Ruri just giggled and went to help with the fake explosives. Senku saw the three all ready for their leave.

He smirked as he also saw everything ready. They all brought everything in the opposite side of the forest and placed the inflated bladders every where. Senku ran back to where Ginro was ready to make them explode. "Here we go!" Loud explosions can be heard from a big radius in the forest. Homura perked up as the explosions still kept going. "Explosions. Gun powder! I need to check it as Hyoga-sama's scout." She told herself as she hurried to where the explosions took place. Suika saw her figure as Kohaku went after her.

Y/n as pacing back and forth in her bedroom as she desperately tried to contact Senku. She was also watching Season 2 in case they need help in whatever us happening in their world. Her headache was worsening and Senku noticed how much she really wants to talk to him. He sighed and gave up. "Hello? Y/n? Sorry about hanging up on you earlier. " Y/n sighed as her headache disappeared. "Nah, it's good. What came up? Tell me." Senku smirked. "We'll be having the phone delivered to the Tsukasa empire right now. And earlier, well, Tyler came to visit the village as proof that we need to get there as soon as possible."

Y/n smiled as Hyoga got electrocuted by Senku. "Wait, you just said you're going to have the phone delivered? You're gonna have to let them bury it down on your so-called grave for Yuzuriha and Taiju to find it." Senku blinked as Ginro looked at him like he was crazy. "How did you know our plan, I didn't even tell you nor did you listen to my discussion." Y/n laughed. "Bitch, remember, you're from an anime in this world. I also know that Tsukasa will also side with you and Hyoga will become the main antagonist in exchange for Tsukasa." Senku's eyes widened as he saw Homura being chased by Kohaku. He smirked and took the flare and glasses from his bag.

"Wait as sec, I'm gonna have Homura as a captive right now." He chuckled as Y/n recalled the attempt Senku made in capturing the pink haired girl. "Senku, you might want someone else heavier than you to capture her. She'll just slip out of your hold, you're just too light. And you might want to use a metal cage, she'll just escape from the wooden one. " Senku blinked and nodded as he saw Homura coming. He threw the flare up and activated it. He pulled down his glasses as he told Kinro to capture Homura.

She struggled to get out of his grip as an idea came to her mind. "Watch where you're touching me." Kinro's eyes widened as he was about to loosen his grip on her but he just tightened it even more, earning a groan from the girl. Senku chuckled. "We'll wait until civilization is  back and we'll play the nice innocent men you want." Homura sighed in defeat as Kinro started to tie her up with a rope.

Senku called for Kaseki to make a metal cage, the old man bursted out of his clothes as he got to work. "Thanks for that, Y/n. Looks like anime really has it's perks." He smirked as Y/n cried silently at the scene she was watching. "What the hell, man? Why did he have to die?" Y/n told herself which caught Senku's attention. "Hey, something caught up in your nose or something?" Y/n shook her head. "No man, it's Tsukasa." Senku raised a brow as he looked at Kaseki making the metal cage, almost finished.

"Oh? What about him?" Y/n sniffled. "He... You killed him and the whole season ends there." Senku's eyes widened and laughed. "Really?! That's amazing! And why are you crying again?" "That's what's worst, just as he already agreed to a truce, that's when he had to die. But you killed him for a reason, though." Senku perked up as some of the villagers noticed him talking to the air.

"Really? What happened? Maybe we can prevent it." Y/n nodded. "Yeah, you can. I'll tell you everything, Senku, so you'll know what to do." Senku nodded and smirked. "Whatever it is, we can avoid damage, 10 billion percent." Y/n nodded and sat down on her bed.

"It all started when you had Gen, Magma and Chrome deliver the phone..."

The Acid That Melts My Heart (Senku x Fem!Reader) Dr. Stone X Demon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now