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Status: Unedited

Published: May 30, 2021

"A large school of fish underneath us!" "Throw in the nets!" "3! 2! 1! Now!" Ryusui laughed once he saw how many they caught, it was enough for at least a day worth of meals. "All right! Good job, Ukyo!" Ryusui called as Ukyo just waved from his workplace. "No problem!" The Technician shouted with a smile on his face as the Power team hauled up the net filled with fish. "Whoa! We got a lot this time!" Taiju shouted as Senku chuckled. "We sure did, Big Oaf." He said as Ryusui called for Francois and his staff up immediately to clean off the fishes off their scales.

"Everything's been doing good there, huh?" Y/n asked as she put on her lab coat and her ID given by Lesley and Jake the last time she stayed at NASA and put on her surgical gloves and surgical mask before scanning her ID on the scanner, making the glass doors open to her surprise. "They actually got me an ID that grants me entrance to the Base's Chemistry Laboratory. And I even thought that it's fake!" Y/n exclaimed quietly as she giggled and entered the lab to see almost everyone in the lab smiling at her petite figure. "Okay, N/n, stop making me jealous, already." Senku said as he picked his ear and smiled.

Y/n smiled back as a male, who seems to be the Leader of the Chemistry team walked towards her, Less and Jake following behind. "Welcome to the Chemistry Laboratory, Y/n L/n. We all know that you have already gone in here from your previous visit, but we never really got to tell you everything. So, this time, all of the Board Members will be with you this time. So, if you would please join us." The Leader said as Y/n nodded. She was now lead to a room filled with framed pictures of former Presidents/Leaders of the NASA Base by Lesley and Jake. Senku raised a brow. "What the fuck do they mean about that?" Senku asked as Y/n hummed back in confusion.

Y/n stared at one picture that was overly familiar to her. "Amber Honey... Tyler Hockley..." Y/n whispered as she stared at the framed pictures of her and Senku's mentors. "Tyler Hockley? So that's his name. Though, why does Amber's last name not Hockley? I thought that they were husband and wife?" Senku asked. "I have no idea." Lesley and Jake told the other Board Members to come in with them in the enormous room. "So... Miss L/n-" "Just Y/n is fine." "O-Okay... Y/n, we haven't been telling you everything about the NASA Organization's past." Y/n nodded. "Okay... What do you mean? It's not like I'm a real member or either am I employed here." Y/n joked as she saw them serious.

Y/n looked back at turn with the same expression, finally being interested in the topic. "Okay, this is actually interesting..." Y/n spoke as they let Lesley and Jake go forward and lead her to another room connected to the previous one. The room showed ancient drawings and words written in unknown language, Y/n saw another figure that resembles Amber and Tyler. "What the hell?" Y/n cursed as Senku was standing on his usual spot, thinking of what could be happening to where Y/n was right now.

"Oh Scheisse..." One of the German Board members cursed, causing a few of his friends to ask him what's going on. He pointed at Y/n's neck. The lab coat she was given doesn't cover her neck, so the cracks can be seen by practically everyone in the room. "Y/n... We are here to tell you that... You will have to take over the President's place this very moment, right now." Jake got straight to the point, causing Lesley to glare at him. He just shrugged. Y/n and Senku perked up. "What?/What?" They both asked, Y/n giving away Senku's existence by accidentally letting them hear his voice slip out of her mind.

Senku slapped his hand over his mouth as Y/n stared back at them in horror. "O-Oh shit-" "Don't worry, Y/n. We know of Mr. Ishigami. And when he arrives, he will also take over the NASA Company with you." Lesley assured which made Y/n confused. "What?" Y/n muttered as Senku was frozen in place. Lesley asked Jake for the scroll containing the prophecy and showed it to Y/n. "This scroll is where the prophecy is written. We lay our faith in yours and your beloved. And, as Destined Saviors, you and Mr. Ishigami were given the duty to protect both your worlds, giving peace."

Y/n's head was spinning in confusion, the poor girl took deep breaths from time to time to take in the information. "I-I don't understand." Y/n simply answered as Senku forced his way through Y/n's mind for everyone to hear him. "Ow! What the fuck, Senku?!" Y/n yelled but Senku paid no attention, he needed to know what's going on. "How do you know about the prophecy?!" Senku suddenly asked which made everyone in the room flinch. "It's Mr. Ishigami!" One of the Board members called once they heard Senku's loud and booming voice, asking them.

"Senku, why would you just force your way into my mind?! You know that causes me to get a migraine for 3 hours straight!" Y/n yelled as Senku scoffed. "Not now, Y/n. We need to find out what the fuck they're saying. How the hell did they even know about the prophecy? Are they close frie-" Senku was cut off by a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head behind him to see Tyler with the same white clothes and the same warm smile. "Hello again, Senku." He greeted, smiling as Senku just stared at the man.

"Hello, Tyler. Why are you here?" Senku asked which caused the Board members to gasp at the familiar name. "No way!" "It's the Former President!" "But- I thought he and Professor Amber-" "Don't bring that up! Ms. Gomez and Mr. Lester are here!" Everyone started bickering as the scroll in Lesley's hands started glowing. Lesley put the scroll down calmly and opened it, resulting a slim figure with blonde hair dressed in white to pop out of the piece of paper. Y/n stood in front of Amber's figure with a smile. "Amber..." Y/n whispered. Amber smiled. "Y/n..."

Everyone stared in awe as Amber smiled at Y/n who was still in contact with Senku. Tyler was at the Perseus with Senku, while Amber was at the NASA Base with Y/n. "The time has come for the both of you to know your duties." Tyler spoke, his voice ringing in everyone's ears in the Base as Senku nodded slowly. Y/n bit her lip before nodding. Lesley and Jake were watching the magical moment intently as the Board members stayed quiet, their eyes glistening with curiosity as they wanted to know even more of the Fused Prophecy.

"How about let's discuss this with your other four comrades, hm?" Tyler suggested as Senku raised a brow at the man. "You mean The Mentalist, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and the Research Website? Yeah, sure." Senku said, making Y/n sputter. "I'm sorry, but-" She giggled, making Senku smile as he led Tyler to the Generals' meeting room. Amber smiled and looked at Y/n. "How about let's take this discussion to our own meeting room, hm?" Amber suggested as the other Board members nodded. Y/n nodded as Amber took her hand. "Let's go. We don't wanna miss anything."


Y/n can be seen with a device on her head, kinda like a helmet, invented by one of the Scientists working at the base. "Uhm... What is this for again?" Y/n asked as Amber chuckled. "This, my dear, is something for us and you to see what's on your mind. And I believe that you can also picture what they look like in that large head of yours." Amber teased as Y/n smiled lightly. "Yes... I can actually see them, but only their anime versions. At least, from what I remember last night. He was very handsome."

Amber smiled softly before sitting next to Y/n who just had her eyes closed and started finding her concentration on having Senku on a telepathic face time. She found his image sitting down with the Five Wise Generals and Tyler, and what she was seeing, can be seen on a large screen connected to the device on her head. Y/n smiled and she saw Senku smile back. "Hey, N/n..." Senku said as Y/n giggled, her voice ringing in everyone's ears on the Perseus, making them turn around to see nobody. "Oh, that's Y/n-chan, isn't it?" Gen asked as Senku and Ukyo nodded. "They can all see us right now, but we can't see them, sadly." Senku announced as Chrome had wide eyes. "We're being watched?! That's bad news, then!" Chrome exclaimed as Senku picked his ear. "Shut up, Chrome, and don't worry, it's N/n's friends and N/n who could see us, along with Tyler's wife. Amber's with them."

"Nice seeing you, Leeky..." Y/n said with a smile as the Board members discuss about the prophecy with the Wise Generals.

"So... About the prophecy..."

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