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Status: Unedited

Published: July 27, 2021

Senku blinked once. Then thrice.

"What? Are we battling animals too?" Senku asked as Y/n grew a tick mark. "Shut up, will you?" She said as Senku scoffed. "Well, what then? Aliens? Angels?


Y/n's eyes widened as Lesley nodded. "Yes, demons. They can only be killed-"

"By either sunlight or Nichirin Blades." Y/n cut Lesley off as Jake smiled. "So you've been watching Demon Slayer too, huh?" Jake asked as Y/n nodded with a small smile. "Hey, is Nezuko gonna be with us?" She asked with sparkles in her eyes. Lesley and Jake giggled. "We don't know yet, but the events in our world is different from Mr. Ishigami's. The conflict in their world is the Petrification and Why-Man is their enemy. The conflict in our world are demons... And our enemy is-" "Kibutsuji Muzan?" Y/n cut Lesley off as Lesley shook her head.

"It's not Muzan, Ms. L/n. He's already died 4 months ago." Jake said as Y/n furrowed her brows. "What?" She asked as Senku scratched his head. "Okay, I'm so fucking confused." Senku said as Gen nodded. "Me too. I think Ukyo-chan is already dizzy." Gen said as Ukyo scoffed. He threw a pillow at Gen's face with a playful smile. "Shut up and just listen." Ukyo said.

"If Muzan's already dead, then who took his place?" Lavender asked as Lesley hardened her face. "Her name is Kuraya, derived from the Japanese word Kurayami. She wasn't in the show or the manga but she's a great threat to our world." Jake said. Ryusui flinched at the name. "Doesn't her name... Mean Darkness..?" Ryusui asked with wide eyes as Chrome scratched his head. "I only understood the Kurayami part. I didn't get anything else." He stated with a confused face. Senku shook his head. "This is bad, just her name is enough to scare the fuck outta me than Why-Man himself." Senku said with a chuckle.

Y/n tapped her chin. "This is really getting on my damn nerves... We have two villains to kill right now..." Y/n said as she saw Ukyo frown from the corner of her eye. Y/n widened her eyes. "S-Sorry, Ukyo my guy. It was just a-" "No, it's fine. I understand." Ukyo laughed a bit, Senku scoffed. Gen smirked. "Someone's being possessive~" Gen said as Senku rolled his eyes. "Bold of you assume that I care about her." "Do you want us to break up right now, Leeky?" "I was kidding! Jeez!"

Chrome's eye twitched. "T-Two enemies?!" Y/n smiled sadly. "Yes, Chrome. I'm so sorry we dragged you guys into this." Y/n apologized as Senku smiled. "Well, at least we have a lot of people to help us on our second battle. And the bright side is that they all dedicate their whole selves into retrieving you and saving your world and ours. That's how much you mean to us, Mrs. Ishigami..." Senku said which made Y/n take a shaky breath, her ears were red. "I'm so done..." Y/n said. "Ishigami-san, I think you broke her..." Lavender spoke with a giggle.


"Whoa, I didn't know that I could also contact other people than you." Y/n said as Senku scoffed. "You think? I literally contacted Lavender for the third time of the day for love advice today." Senku said as Y/n laughed. "You like Lavender, right?" Y/n asked, Senku flinched. "What? I don't like her! Not in that way, at least... I only like you, dumbass. " Senku said as Y/n bit her lip. "I meant as a friend who you like to go to when you have trouble in our relationship. Am I right?" Y/n asked. Senku chucked and looked at the Casino place with people playing.

"Yeah, you got me. She told me some useful shit that I wrote down on paper in case I forget. How about you? Which of us do you talk to if you need live advice yourself? I know your not the type to be professional about everything, so I need you to be honest with me." Senku said as he wrapped his coat tighter around him. "It sure is cold tonight..." He whispered to himself. "Preferably I always speak to Gen if I do need help." "Of course, you chose that deceitful being." "Hey, that's not nice. He already helped you lots of times." "I was kidding."

Senku exhaled with a smile and went up back to the Generals' room to get some sleep. "Well, looks like I'm gonna go get some sleep-" Senku cut himself off once he opened the door to the Generals' room to see the other four on the floor, all seated with serious faces. Senku closed the door behind him, he raised a brow. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" He asked as Chrome's face showed terror. "S-Senku and Y/n will have another enemy..? Not just Why-Man..?" Chrome asked as Y/n frowned. "I guess they explained everything to you, huh Chrome?"

Chrome stood up and faced Senku. Chrome held her by his shoulders, making Senku tilt his head to the side. "Senku... You should give up searching for Y/n..." All the Generals stood up from their places in shock. "What?!" Senku yelled at him as he shook himself off his hold. "What the fuck?! No!" Senku yelled. "Chrome, we told you everything because you wanted us to! This isn't part of our plans!" Ryusui yelled as he held Chrome back from beating up Senku. "Don't you understand?! Kurayami's more dangerous than Why-Man himself! You're putting the whole village and everyone else in danger just because of a girl you want to see!" Chrome yelled.

"Senku... You should listen to him."

Senku flinched and saw Y/n in his head in front of a wall. "Y/n-" "Senku, I've had my doubts about our meeting ever since. It will also put everyone there with you at risk, it's better if we don't meet up, Senku." Y/n said as Ryusui bit his lip and stood up. "How did it come to this..?" He asked himself as he sat down on his bunk bed, his head in his hands. Senku's breathing became erratically unstable. "Y-Y/n, please..."

"I know, I've hidden this from you for a year and a half already... But it's better this way." Y/n said. "Y/n, please-" Senku got cut off as their doors suddenly slammed open, revealing Yo with a smiling face. "Good news! We've reached it!

The Philippines!"

Y/n and Chrome's stomachs dropped to the floor at the former Officer's words.

The Acid That Melts My Heart (Senku x Fem!Reader) Dr. Stone X Demon Slayer Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon