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Status: Unedited

Published: August 18, 2021

A/N: Lmao, just read it if you want, I don't care.

Slight angst, so read at your own risk.

He looked at me like I was nothing to him, nothing but a lab rat to him.

I was close to killing Kohaku, the way he looks at her makes me want to die.

What can I do?

I'm not as strong or as flexible as her.

My disease came back just a few months ago.

Senku was running out of love from me.

Just taking small breaths was enough to hurt my lungs, coughing out blood with my favourite flowers that are killing me slowly.

Who would've thought that someone else rather than Senku would find out?

I've hid this illness from everyone in the village for so long, but I knew that one day someone would have to find out somehow.

Senku had just finished experimenting with my body, huge scars could be seen on my arms, the surgical scars that he gave me carelessly a few minutes ago.

I wrapped them up with bandages as I felt my lungs freeze for a moment. Without a second thought, I just coughed out the flower petals with my blood on the floor.

The Generals' Hut was just beside mine, my coughing must've caught the Sonar Man's ears to my dismay and my heart dropped when I saw Ukyo standing in front of my door.

"Y/n? Why is there blood dripping from your... Lips..." His words slowed down as he saw the bloody flower petals scattered on the ground. "Oh shit- Stay here, I'll go get help."

"No! Don't call Senku here!" I pleaded.

Ukyo stopped midway through the door and looked at me with sympathy. I shook my head. "Please don't call him here... Anyone is fine, just not either Senku or Kohaku."

Ukyo nodded as he ran out of the room to call his fellow Generals. They arrived shortly and Gen immediately hugged me.

"Y/n-chan, don't tell me that-"

"Yes... Hanahaki turned out to have taken a toll on me the past few months..."

The Generals widened their eyes at me. "Hanahaki..?" Chrome trailed off in confusion.

Ryusui scrunched his face as his hands were balled into fists. "It's a disease caused by one sided love. Flowers will start growing in your lungs, your favorite kind at that. It suffocates you to death in a painfully slow pace." Gen explained to the teen as I rested on his lap.

Chrome's expression turned into sadness. "Is there a cure..?" He asked, curiosity swallowing his being.

Ukyo nodded as he took the petals from the ground and put them in a basket to throw away. "Yes, there are two ways. The first option is surgery, you can have the flowers taken away medically by surgeons, but the feelings that you have grown for the one you love will go away." Ukyo explained as he went out to throw the petals.

Ryusui sighed and sat beside Chrome. "The second option is when the person you love loves you back. The flowers in your lungs will automatically go away, but it seemed that Y/n's diagnosis came back since Senku doesn't love her no more." Ryusui spat as I coughed.

Then my coughs went violent that Ukyo came running back to my hut in a hurry. "Fuck... Turn her to her side so she won't choke." Chrome instructed as Gen and Ryusui did so. My lungs hurt as hell.

"Make it stop, please... It hurts to breathe-" I cut myself off with yet another violent cough, blood came rushing out of my esophagus more than the flower petals. Gen shook his head. "This doesn't look good..."

Ryusui looked at me with a serious face. "Y/n, we need you to decide right now. Your condition is really getting us worried." Ryusui said as I took a few deep breaths before looking at the Generals one by one. I smiled and gripped Gen's hand.

"Call Xeno... Take them away."


Suika could be seen running to Y/n's hut with Luna and Xeno. They were all carrying medical supplies with them, Senku and Kohaku were confused.

"What the hell is going on?" Senku asked Kohaku as the girl just shrugged. "Maybe someone got injured?"

"Much worse, they're dying."

Senku and Kohaku turned around to see Stanley with a straight face running to Y/n's hut as well. "Hey, who's dying?" Kohaku asked Stanley, he didn't answer.

Senku became frustrated. "Hey! She's asking you!" Senku yelled as Stanley turned to face him.

"Y/n is, you twit."

Senku froze. "Y/n? What happened?!" He asked once more. Stanley scoffed. "Much better if you found out after the surgery." He simply said as he ran to his destination. Senku and Kohaku looked at each other and ran to where almost everyone was.


The two of them arrived at the front. They were about to enter when they were both held back by both Kinro and Ginro who pointed their spears at them. "Hey! What's the meaning of this?!" Kohaku yelled as Kinro and Ginro looked at her in disgust and disappointment.

"Kohaku, Senku, we have been ordered strictly to keep you away from Y/n until she has woken up." Kinro informed as Ginro nodded. Senku furrowed his brows. "Look, I need to see Y/n-"

"Hell no, you aren't going in there."

Senku and Kohaku turned around to see the Generals except Gen and Chrome with dark looks. "Ryusui, Ukyo, what the hell happened to Y/n? And why do you not want us to go in?! That's my girlfriend in there! She needs me!" Senku said angrily as Ryusui held Senku by his collar.

Kohaku immediately drew her daggers as Ukyo held her back. "What in the world is all the ruckus outside?!" Luna yelled as Ukyo heard splashing of thick liquid inside. "Shit... Go and ask someone who has the blood type of A." Xeno instructed Luna as Ukyo gave Kohaku to Kinro and went inside. "I'm type A." He said.

Xeno and Luna made him take a seat, they also have him put on surgical attire and a mask to prevent infection. They put a needle on his arm, extracting his blood. Ukyo watched as his blood traveled down to Y/n's end of the tube. Senku looked at Ryusui in disbelief. "Why are you guys doing this?!"

"She's having a cardiac arrest." Luna said. Xeno widened his eyes. "You know what to do. Stop her heart." Xeno ordered. All the other surgeons in the room nodded and used the mechanism Xeno made to stop Y/n's heart. "Shit, how the hell did her abdomen get involved?" Xeno asked as Luna made a small hypothesis. "Maybe some of the petals made its way to her diaphragm when she was coughing? Along with the thorns?" Luna suggested as Xeno nodded. "There might be a possibility."

"Dr.'s, better hurry up, she only has 6 hours left."

Gen, Chrome and Ukyo who were in the room looked at Y/n's unconscious body with worry.

"Keep fighting, Y/n..."

A/N: Part two will be posted soon. Stay active!

The Acid That Melts My Heart (Senku x Fem!Reader) Dr. Stone X Demon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now