Dream 2

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I can feel myself slowly slipping away from my slumber as I woke up slowly from my comatose.

I can finally breathe normally again.

I tried to lift up my left hand to brush off the stray hairs on my forehead but I felt something making it heavy. I looked to my side to see Gen sleeping peacefully dressed in a surgical outfit and a mask.

I looked to the corner to see both Chrome and Ukyo resting against each other, also dressed in surgical outfits as they slept with their arms crossed.

I tried to shift a bit, but I think I hit something with my feet and made it fall.

I mentally slapped myself.

Why am I so dumb?

I saw Ukyo flinch a bit when the chair I knocked down fell to the floor, making a loud sound, loud enough to wake up even Gen and Chrome from their slumber.

Ukyo's forest green eyes made contact with my e/c ones wide open and he smiled. "Y/n?" He called out, making Gen and Chrome jolt up from their sleeping positions, walking to my bed. I smiled.

"I'm awake..."

Gen literally started to cry and hold my hand while he does. Chrome smiled and kneeled down beside me, Ukyo kneeled down as well and started to mumble a prayer, thanking the Gods for protecting me during surgery.

"Y/n-chan... Thank the Gods you're alive." Gen happily cried, I couldn't help but cry with them. "How do you feel?" Chrome asked me, I took a deep breath and smiled. "I feel... Renewed. I can breathe like a normal human being, finally." I responded with a small laugh. Ukyo smiled and stood up, wiping his tears away as he stripped himself off his surgical attire. "I'm gonna go get Ryusui!" He yelled happily as he ran to get our friend, we could hear his voice shouting Ryusui's name out of pure joy as he ran to find him.


Ryusui came in with Ukyo being crushed in his arms, Ukyo was basically being choked by the captain. I sighed and pinched my nose bridge, laughing at the two. "Y/n! You're alright!" He yelled, Kinro and Ginro were peeking inside of my hut, smiling like idiots. Ryusui let go of Ukyo who was coughing and made a beeline to my side, Chrome offered Ukyo water to which he gratefully took and drank. I was already sitting up right, Gen was still beside me, holding my hand.

"I'm fine, Ryusui. How many days was I out?" I asked Gen as he bashfully raised 5 fingers. I raised a brow. "5 days?" I asked, Chrome shook his head. "5 months." He simply said. I turned pale.

Damn, I was out for THAT long?

"W-Wow..." I simply said. Luna who just came in scoffed in a sassy way. "That's nothing compared for the 3,715 years we kept conscious." Luna joked as I smiled, Xeno and Stanley came in with smiles on their faces. Stanley came in and patted my head with a small fatherly smile. "Hey, Uncle Stan. Missed me?" I asked as he nodded. "Of course I did, you twit. I didn't have anyone to train with at sniping sessions for 5 damn months, I even crushed down my cigar just to see you." He answered as he rubbed my hair, I giggled and gave my teacher a big hug.

While me and the others were having fun inside, Kotaku and Senku were in the forest, still not notified about my awakening.

Senku would take short glances at Kotaku and he would smile to himself every so often.

He likes Kotaku, and there's no denying it.

"Hey, Kohaku." He called out, making Kohaku shift her attention to Senku.

"What is it, Senku?" She asked as Senku took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I-I like you. Will you go out with me?" Senku simply asked, hope filling his rubby red eyes. Kohaku raises her brow. "You like me? Senku, what are you talking about?

What about Y/n?" The blonde asked.

Senku frowned at her name.

"She can go die and rot in hell, there are plenty of fish in the sea. And besides, she's of no use to me anymore." Senku simply spoke, Kohaku was furious with the Scientist before her.

"Y/n was a woman hard to find! You're lucky to have her! And you'd just dump her like that?! That's unforgivable!

You're terrible, Senku!" Kohaku yelled which made Senku widen his eyes. He then scrunched his face in anger and pointed at my hut. "She'll never wake up! We all waited 5 months and she clearly didn't even look like a person to me anymore!

She looks dead!

She's too weak to wake up again!" Senku yelled back, Kohaku walked closer to Senku and gently took his face in her hands, leaning closer to his face. Senku smiled and started to lean in as well and closed his eyes.

What he didn't expect...

Was that Kohaku headbutted him.

Hard enough to make him dizzy.

"Hell no, I would never date a player like you. You're even worse than Magma. Good luck trying to make Y/n yours again, but I'm never gonna talk to you again." Kohaku said as Senku stood there dumbfounded while holding his sore forehead. Senku scoffed. "You're a fool for believing she's still alive!"

Kohaku smirked. "Think again, cheater."

Senku looked at where she was looking at to see Y/n coming out of her hut, all happy and well. Senku's eyes widened.


He muttered her name, it was like a whisper. He then felt something rise up his throat, blocking his airways. He kneeled down and coughed out what ever was in his lungs to see dandelion petals on his hands with his blood. His eyes widened.

"I'm... Gonna die..?"

Kohaku looked down to see Senku on his knees, she carelessly walked away from him.

"You dragged me into your child like game, Senku. Now no one will ever love you for your dirty tricks.

Have fun burning in hell, cheater."

A/N: Fucking hell, I forgot to publish this and I made this chapter OVER A MONTH AGO ALREADY

The Acid That Melts My Heart (Senku x Fem!Reader) Dr. Stone X Demon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now