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Status: Unedited

Published: August 27, 2021

Y/n and Senku were now put to sleep by Amber and Tyler. Gen and Lavender were the ones looking after the two, Lesley sat beside Y/n, caressing her hair as Lavender took the towel resting on Y/n's forehead and dipped it in water, squeezing the excess and putting it back on Y/n's forehead.

Gen sighed and rubbed his face. Tyler gave him a Pat on the back to calm him down, Gen surely did. "What in the world happened?" Lesley asked Tyler as he shivered. "I... Found Y/n smoking weed earlier when I came to call her for dinner, she didn't look like herself at all." Tyler said. Y/n was moved to the infirmary along with Lavender because their room was filled with the scent of weed.

Amber took her hand and placed it on hers. "I was the same... But I drank sake instead. Right, Tyler?" She asked her husband with a fond smile, he nodded. "When we found out that we were the only hope of the world, or so we thought, Amber couldn't even take it in that quickly yet and it was just a few days when I discovered that she already had 8 boxes of sake in a week." Tyler worriedly said. The experience was scary to say the least, but it was said that it was how the female saviors try to get rid of the stress that engulfed their whole beings.

Y/n and Senku were breathing heavily, beads of sweat on their foreheads as they slept in peace.

Ryusui scrunched his face in annoyance. "So... When will they wake up?" Ryusui asked as Chrome looked at Gen. He sweat dropped. "He's asking when Senku-chan and Y/n-chan are gonna wake up." He answered as Chrome looked at Senku then at Tyler. The older man smiled. "They're going to wake up exactly at midnight, so make sure to keep an eye on them, Lavender, Gen." Tyler informed the duo as they nodded.

Jake suddenly started shaking.

Amber covered her mouth in shock, Lesley immediately took her phone out and started recording.

"T-The guardians... Protect the S-Saviors, kill the wretched one's Minions with each of their g-given weapons." Jake said, stuttering as his eyes visibly turned white. Lavender raised a brow and gave her aunt a questioning look. "Guardians?" She asked. Lesley nodded.

"One for each of the saviors." Amber finished for her friend. The Generals looked at Tyler, questioning the man with their own eyes. Tyler simply laughed and told them to wait.

"Demon Slayers protect humans for generations on end, sacrificing their lives for the clueless people who never even knew their existence in the first place. This century's Leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps' position have now been taken by...

L/n Y/n and Ishigami Senku."

Ryusui shook his head in confusion. "But who's the second guardian?" He asked. "Senku's guardian?" Ukyo asked as Ryusui nodded. Ukyo just shrugged as Gen swallowed thickly. "K-Kill..?" The Mentalist stuttered, Ukyo couldn't help but look down in despair. "We're gonna have to kill, alright." Ryusui said. Ukyo sighed and stood up, his back facing the others. "I hate needless bloodshed but...

If it's for the good of Humanity, then I'll be joining in."

Tyler and Amber smiled. Y/n and Senku began to stir in their sleep, making both Lavender and Gen flinch. "Y/n..? Senku-chan..?" Lavender and Gen both called, wondering if their friends we're going to wake up in any moment. As if the Gods knew what they were thinking, Y/n and Senku both slowly cracked their eyes open. Lavender almost teared up. "Y/n... You're alright." Lavender happily whispered as she let her tears flow down freely on her cheeks as she hugged her most cherished treasure.

It took Y/n and Senku to try and remember what happened earlier but everything was fuzzy. "Sen... Ku..?" Y/n gently called out with her tired and raspy voice, her breath reeked of weed. Senku grunted in response, not wanting to talk for it'll make him dizzy even if he exhales for a moment. Gen saw how Senku's lips were almost turning into a dried desert, so he stood up and went to get him some water.

Tyler's lips curled up to a smile.

"Looks like we already found Senku's guardian."


"Wait- I didn't even remember that I actually smoked weed!" Y/n exclaimed as they showed her the cigarette butts scattered on her floor on the side of her bed. They were all wearing masks for the sake of their noses, they might inhale the stench of the weed Y/n smoked.

Senku rubbed his head, Gen assisting him as he walked out the Generals' sleeping quarters and to their meeting room. "No wonder. I was also affected." Senku stated as Gen sat him down on his chair as Tyler sighed. "Asagiri Gen, am I right?" Tyler asked the bicolor haired man, placing a warm hand on his shoulder. Gen looked at Tyler with a small nod. "Yes, sir." He responded, voice too weak to mutter a whole sentence.

Amber smiled.

"Asagiri Gen... You are Ishigami Senku's guardian. You must protect him with the given weapon carved by the very first Destined Saviors' guardians and protectors." Tyler said as suddenly, a katana similar to Lavender's appeared in his hand. He gave it to the Mentalist, but he refused to touch it. "W-What exactly am I gonna do?" Gen stuttered as he swallowed thickly.

"I know that you might not be comfortable with it, but in order to secure the Saviors' protection, you must kill all the demons that are after them. They intend to kill them like what they did to me and Amber and the previous Saviors to take over the world and control humans like animals and eat them whenever they want." Tyler explained. Ukyo flinched at the mention of eating humans, it disgusted the other Generals as well. Well... Except Chrome.

Gen shivered. "I'm going to have to kill..?" He asked. Tyler nodded. "Even if you are uncomfortable, you must-"

Gen suddenly stood up as he slammed his hands on the table, his hair covering his eyes as shadows cascaded his face.

"If it means Senku-chan's safety, I'll be a murderer just for him to save both our worlds."

A/N: Wazzup, everyone! So... I don't think I'll be updating soon after this chapter since school days have been really rough, lol.

Anyways, that's all!

Author-chan out!

The Acid That Melts My Heart (Senku x Fem!Reader) Dr. Stone X Demon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now