The Big Three

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It's been years since UA brought you in, and you've practically become part of the staff. Every year, you're either used as an example, or straight up teaching when Aizawa didn't want to. You didn't really mind. It's better than sitting in your room all day, anyways.

One day, you were walking in front of UA when two boys bumped into you, making you drop the books you had borrowed from the local library. "Sorry about that!" One of the boys apologized. You picked up your books and looked at the two of them.

You tilted your head to see the boy hiding behind his friend's back. "Hey, aren't you a bit young to be entering UA?" The one with blonde hair asked. You shook your head. "I'm not entering. I live here."

"Oh, that's cool!"


"So are you helping out with the exam?"

"A little bit."

You looked at the two. You felt their energy being sent to you from the ground, and they were practically contrasting. One was bright, energetic, and lively. The other was low, shy, and rather dull.

"So, who's daughter are you?" You stopped and looked at the boy. "None of them. I was taken in." He nodded and looked at the school. "Anyways, it's about to start, so see ya around!" You nodded and waved as the two walked towards the school.




Your eyes travelled across the screens as you looked for the two boys. You didn't know which course they were trying for, but they seemed like the types that would tryout for the hero course. Well, the one that was talking, anyways.

Then you saw the other boy, who didn't talk at all.. and he was doing incredible. "How many points does that one have?" You asked Aizawa. "53 villain and 15 rescue." You looked on another screen and saw the other boy. "And that one?" "60 villain and 30 rescue."

"Hm." You looked back down at the book you brought with you to the surveillance room. Then, you heard a loud noise from Present Mic. "Wowza! Look at her go!" You looked up at the screens again and saw the girl Present Mic was talking about.

Her hair was long and periwinkle, her eyes a darker version of them. She had glowing yellow particles— no— energy radiating from her fingertips in the form of swirls. Though you were curious, your face sure didn't show it.

By the time the exam was done, you immediately knew that those three people passed. You got up from your seat and followed Recovery Girl to the exam area with a clipboard. You lifted your hand and made little bubbles of water.

You held your hand in front of you and the bubbles dispersed to each person. They took the bubble in their hands and you hardened the outside of it so it was like a small ice cup of water. You walked over to the boy you had met before.

"It's clean." He nodded and drank the entire cup. "Is water your quirk?" You looked him up and down and checked him off your clipboard. "Don't you think you should know my name before my quirk?"

He chuckled. "I guess so! What's your name? My name's Mirio Togata." You stared at him for a moment. "I'm Y/N L/N." There was a few moments of silence as he waited for anything else, like a smile or a "Nice to meet you," but like everyone else you've met, he didn't get any.

"Hey Miri-" The boy from before suddenly stopped as he laid eyes on you. You looked at him, and he seemed to be expecting some judgemental stare of sorts. But you were just looking at him, half expecting him to introduce himself.

"Come on, Tamaki! Introduce yourself!" Mirio urged. Tamaki looked at the ground. "I'm... Tamaki Amajiki." You stared at him. "I'm Y/N L/N." You turned to Mirio. "You might see me around school grounds." And with that, you left to see other participants.

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