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Shouto couldn't remember much from your first encounter, other than the fact that you were very pretty, even to him. He remembered that you didn't talk much and you didn't have a very approachable demeanour.

He remembered going back home and asking his sister if all girls were like that, and she was just surprised that he was even talking about it.

You and him were always separate when you went to his house to train. He didn't meet you until that restaurant, while you were close enough to Fuyumi and Natsuo. He couldn't tell if he was jealous about how close you were with them.

You mentioned that you knew Touya as well. Did he remember you? If so, why would he be so merciless in burning you?

"You're distracted, Shouto!"

Shouto ducked away from the blue flames that threatened to engulf him and sent ice to his brother's place.

Dabi jumped out of the way, but his flames around him didn't cease. They threatened to burn his skin right off his skeleton.

The glow of his brother's flames demanded the attention of the world. Smoke rose into the clouds and merged with the sky.

"You think our dear old dad would see this smoke and think about his kids?" Dabi asked, a grin across his stapled face that would make anyone worry that his skin would fall of his skull. "Don't you think that'd make him really fall to his knees, Shouto?!"

His father's sins would've caught up to him eventually, Shouto knew that. Whether or not he harboured forgiveness was still questionable.

The truth was that this was the consequence of his actions. That's all that was definite.

But, sins can be forgiven, right?


Shouto gripped the whale you had given him, wiping the sweat from his forehead. There was hope that he could bring his brother back. If not that, then he knew what he had to do.

You had separated him with his brother alone. Would someone come to his rescue if he needed it?

He sighed, feeling the shape of your gift in his balled up hand. You would, he trusted.

Dabi scrambled towards Shouto and raised his ignited hands.

As the fire flew towards him, he sent his counter and the flames of orange and blue danced together for a moment before Dabi hastily ran through the wall of flames and raised his arm to harm his brother.

Shouto caught the flame on his left arm.

"You survived that day?! And you didn't come home?!" Dabi threw him back and he hit your obsidian wall. "There was a funeral! We thought you died!"

"See, I found a reason to not go back. After all," Dabi gazed upon his youngest brother. "you were his masterpiece."

The memories of it only made Dabi's fire burn brighter and hotter. It only hurt him more.

"Do you think he'd be devastated if his masterpiece were to be burnt to ashes?!"


Shigaraki pressed his hand against the obsidian wall, only for nothing to happen.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Monoma let a grin spread across his face as his copied quirk was in the works. "Allow me to set the stage for you!"

Midoriya plummeted down from above with little bolts surrounding his raised fist.

Bakugou came from the left, explosions detonating in his palms.

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