The Past

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"Do you think we can cut down the skirt?" You wondered, holding the back of your pencil on your chin. "It can't be too short, but it can't be too long otherwise it'll interfere with her performance."


"It's also too loose around the waist. Pass me a pin cushion, please."

The door to the equipment room opened and you faced the door. "Oh, good morning."

"Hey Y/N, Nejire-senpai!" Midoriya greeted.

Your eyes travelled to Eri. "I'm glad you're comfortable in your clothes, Eri." She bowed her head nervously. "Thanks..."

"Yeah, she got a lot of compliments!" Mirio patted - or more like slapped - your back. "You're really talented, Y/N!"

"Tha- Yuyu-senpai, can you pass me that pin cushion? I ran out."

"No problem." He placed a pin cushion in your hand and sighed with a smile. "Man, do you guys remember when Y/N would sometimes randomly walk in the class with a stack of books that was taller than her."

Mirio laughed at the thought, now patted your head. "You got so much taller since then!"

"Mhm." You finished putting the pins on Nejire's outfit and you slipped it off the bodice. "I'll sew this part and hem the bottom, then you can try it on, Nejire."

"It looks great!"

"Tamaki, could you pass me the blue spool of thread on that table please?" He placed it in your hand. "Thank you."

Mirio put his hand on Eri's back. "Y/N's been working hard, hasn't she?"

Eri nodded, clutching the strap of her purse. "She looks like she's having fun."

"Well, we'll get going then." Midoriya announced.

"Oh, could you tell Shouto to attend the beauty pageant, please?"

Midoriya tilted his head. "O-Okay."


The day of the festival started early for you. As a matter of fact, you were the first one up other than the teachers.

"Can we do a mic test so Class 1A doesn't run into technical difficulties, please?"

"Are the lights for the pageant working?"

"The area for the tech has nothing flammable, right?"

You were like some sort of organizer. Close to the beginning of the festival, you made your way to the dressing rooms where the contestants were waiting.

"Hey, is everyone.. wow." You saw Kendo's dress and you rubbed the back of your neck. She looked so great. You cleared your throat. "Is everyone ready or do we have to switch the pageant with a later event. This is a final schedule."

"We should all be fine." Nejire said with a smile.

"Good." Your eyes landed on the boys. "What kind of peeks are you trying to get?"

"We're not trying to get any." Awase claimed, waving his hands in front of him. You decided to believe him as you check marked the beauty pageant.

You went back to the gym where Class 1A was preparing. "Is everyone here and accounted for?"

"Um.. Midoriya isn't here yet." Shouto replied, staring at the door, waiting for Midoriya to suddenly burst through it.

You pulled out your phone and looked at the time. "But it's nearly time for the festival to begin. Is anyone in contact with him?"

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