Provisional License Exams

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The ground shattered from Jirou's Heartbeat Distortion and Ashido used her Acid Veil to disintegrate the balls that were fired. Then you noticed Dark Shadow grow and attach a ball to one of the Ketsubutsu students.

The grounds of the Provisional License grounds shook and vibrated, and you used your quirk to steady the stands.

Energy Enhance

You examined the battlefield and pinpointed where the quake originated: Shindo. "That friend of yours is quite troublesome." Aizawa observed.

You crossed your arms. "I can see that. However, I trust my classmates."

You see in the distance a large tornado and you didn't need your quirk to know who it was.

"A-A student has eliminated 120 students in an instant!" You heard on the PA.

"Oh! Almost yours!" Ms. Joke said. You nodded, crossing your arms. Yours was 132, only 12 off. He was good.

"The Sports Festival was broadcasted to all of Japan... they did their homework, I bet." You assumed, tapping your arm with your finger.

You sighed and leaned back in your chair, pulling out your phone and unpausing your anime. You knew your class. All of them would be able to pass this part.

The difficult part was still to come.

You saw from your peripheral vision a large spike of ice and thought, That's Shouto. And it was, as you felt his energy draw near the building for those who passed, and went into the building.

Then you looked up from your phone, feeling the energy of four of your classmates, as well as some unfamiliar auras.

You put your hand on the ground.

Show me who it is.

Your eyes turned white and you saw who was inside. Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Shoji, and Tsu were in one room while some students from Seiai Academy in another. You remembered one as Saiko, a girl that you remember wondering about her quirk when examining the participants of this exam.

IQ, the power of double her IQ.

You saw both her and Yaoyorozu one wall away from facing off. This... this will be a battle of brains.

Your eyes returned back to normal and you saw that Ms. Joke was right in your face. "You weren't trying to speak to your classmates, were you?"

"I can only do that if they're less than 15 feet away from me. That's why I'm all the way back here in the stands. Besides, the people I saw..."

"Four more students have passed the first half of the exam."

"They don't need my help."

Ms. Joke grinned. "For someone so cold looking, you're pretty trusting!" You stared at her and looked back at the battlefield silently.

"Y/N, who has passed already?" Aizawa asked. You put your hand on the ground and extended your energy to the building with everyone that's passed within.

"Shouto, Yaoyorozu, Shoji, Tsu, and Jirou."

You stood up and saw tape with boulders attached go flying into the air. Midoriya's plan, Sero and Uraraka's quirk. "And Midoriya, Sero, and Uraraka."

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