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A chill moved through the air.

Wisps of white drifted around the area, many attaching themselves to the heroes.

The feeling that someone was with them, watching over them, overcame everyone in the area.

Well, almost everyone.

"What's happening with him?!" Midoriya questioned, his gaze fixated on All For One as he seemed to be struggling against something no one could see.

"Doesn't matter, this is our chance!" Midnight said.

Midoriya sped forward, but it somehow felt like someone much faster was dragging him by the hand. 

He jumped, suddenly feeling as light as air, and his fist pounded into All For One's face.

All For One outstretched his hand, then suddenly felt a mighty pull on it, forcing it back to his side.

His head snapped to you, seeing your eyes glowing, your body hovering a foot off the ground with six white wisps hovering around you.

Best Jeanist turned to you, then to everyone else. "Midnight, Nagant, keep Vie safe. I have a feeling her quirk is doing something to ours."

Nagant ran to you and turned, aiming her rifle at All For One.

A bullet streaked through the air and All For One tried to move but Best Jeanist's fibres kept him in place. One of the floating wisps flew towards his hands and danced along his fibres, making them emanate a faint white glow.

All For One pulled back, but the fibres, despite being threads, didn't break.

He held out his hand and tendrils began growing from his fingers, then another wisp circled around his hand and made them stop and return to him.

Bakugou jumped and aimed a shot at him.

What was meant to be a shockwave ended up as a strong but ineffective gust of wind at the cause of another wisp.

All For One stared at his hands as the smoke from Bakugou's explosions disappeared. 

The blood on his hands began fighting back to drown him.

Shigaraki was stiff, watching every sin of All For One's past come back to bite him. All the ones that he hadn't made up for.

Everyone else seemed to have someone hugging them, holding their shoulder - whispering advice into their ears, lifting them up, cheering them on.

He, however, didn't feel anyone's hands on his back or someone hugging him tightly.

He felt chained to the ground with no one holding the key.

You turned your head, absently, and one of the wisps circling around you sped to him and began circling around him.

Five more that were drifting around sped to him and settled around him.

Suddenly, he didn't feel all that alone.

"Vie, how long can you do this for?" Midnight questioned as other heroes bashed All For One, suddenly making an impact.

You raised seven fingers.

"Three minutes have gone by," Nagant said. "She can keep all of this up for ten minutes in total."

"Then we've got to beat All For One in that time," Best Jeanist concluded.

Midoriya and Bakugou looked at each other, nodded, and moved.

Uraraka hovered above with what had to be hundreds of boulders floating next to her. "Release!" She, as well as the boulders, began falling.

Tsu jumped and grabbed Uraraka with her tongue.

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