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"I should note down that when you say, 'do you want to do something stupid?' It is not an exaggeration," Jirou muttered, standing on your right with Tokoyami and Mina while Stain stood on your left with Aizawa holding his arm.

You pursed your lips together, hoping you didn't make a huge mistake.

The guard opened the door to the room All For One was kept in and you took a deep breath. "Ready?"

They each nodded but Mina hid herself behind you, and Jirou and Tokoyami took a step back.

You held out your hand and fixated on one of the unhealed wounds from the battle on All For One. The scab opened and blood moved towards the holes in the window.

The blood streamed towards Stain, who moved forward, almost eagerly, and consumed.

The moment he did, you sighed and dropped your hand. "You can unhook the drug now," you said to the security camera in the corner.

Some people warily walked into the room on the other side of the window and began removing the IVs from All For One's arms.

Tokoyami was the first to step forward.

You stood, guarded, watching All For One like one would a rabid dog.

Tokoyami's hand reached out and brushed against All For One's before he recoiled and sped back behind you.

"What is it?"

You turned back, noticing that his face was changing, his skin disappearing behind what made him appear as a bird. "Wait... you actually..." You turned back to All For One, who simply grinned an unreadable grin.

Mina went forward, her hand landing over his, then she moved back, staring at her hands as they returned to their original pink hue.

Then Jirou, who was the quickest, barely touching him before running back and feeling her earphone jacks returning to her earlobes.

"You didn't give them any other quirks?" you asked.


"He's telling the truth."

You furrowed your brow. "Are you sure?"


You watched as guards came and reattached the IVs that pumped the drug into his veins. What's the catch? Why just cooperate like that?

As suspicion rose in your chest, you told everyone to go ahead of you. "I need to talk with him," you said.

You waited until the don't was shut but you didn't hear retreating footsteps, so you knew that they were still standing at the door, perhaps listening in.

"Why do it?" You stared at the man you wished you could've called your father. There wasn't a single happy memory with him yet it felt like if you dug enough, they'd exist... somewhere. "Why'd you give them back?"

"Isn't that what you wished for?" All For One asked innocently. "'Give me everything back'?"

You stepped back slowly. "Stop."

"I thought that also meant the father that would make you laugh."

"Shut up."

"But you asked! A father should always fulfill his daughter's wishes."

"Hey, kid, don't listen to—"

"You wanted someone that cared, right? That's what you're attached to. That Todoroki boy, those classmates, those teachers, you let them come close because you believed that they wouldn't hurt you. Don't you want your father to be the same?"

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